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Sony Pictures CEO Says Studio Will Use AI To Make Movies In "More Efficient Ways" Moving Forward

MADAME WEB Has (Somehow) Reached #1 In Netflix's Top 10 Movies List Since Debuting On Tuesday
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MADAME WEB Has (Somehow) Reached #1 In Netflix's Top 10 Movies List Since Debuting On Tuesday

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Matador - 2/22/2024, 9:06 AM
Greatest time waster of all time.

harryba11zack - 2/22/2024, 9:13 AM
I havn't seen it yet but this film was amazing.
Ottsel - 2/22/2024, 9:28 AM
@harryba11zack - wait, what?
HashTagSwagg - 2/22/2024, 9:36 AM
@Ottsel - He's kinda right when you think about it really.
DocSpock - 2/22/2024, 9:26 AM


"Best Part Of The Movie: Those Comic-Accurate Costumes!"

Like the best part of being murdered by a serial killer: The really shiny clean knife he used on you.

DevilsDreams - 2/22/2024, 9:27 AM
The costumes there look alright, just a shame that the film seems to be a dumpster fire...
slickrickdesigns - 2/22/2024, 9:40 AM
I think the acting from Dakota Johnson was the worst part of this film. The writing was the second worst part and not actually having the spider girls get their powers and do super hero shet at the end was the third worst part. The three girls actually decent actors but they weren’t given much to do other than scary movie dumb girl tropes. They should’ve gotten bit by Ezekiel’s spider by the end of the film or at least in some way Madame Webb should’ve helped them receive their powers to defeat Ezekiel.
Matchesz - 2/22/2024, 9:48 AM
Madame Web just works better as an older lady, her being old added to her whole wise demeanor like shes been around and saw some shit.. dakota johnson as madame web just gives me fifty shades of spidey vibes
LeDiableBlanc - 2/22/2024, 12:07 PM
@Matchesz - I agree, I liked the character in the 90's animated series.
mountainman - 2/22/2024, 9:57 AM
The best part of the movie took place in a 2-minute vision?

It’s absolutely amazing how incompetent Sony is with these movies. We all expected this to be bad, but it’s quite a feat for them to release something even worse than we all expected.
rychlec - 2/22/2024, 10:22 AM
They should've made a calendar instead.
WhatIfRickJames - 2/22/2024, 10:48 AM
“ Madame Web hasn't exactly webbed up much in the way of critical acclaim or box office records since opening last Wednesday, but it would be unfair to say nothing about Sony's latest Marvel movie worked.“

Tell us about the concept art of the costumes and feel free to not spout your toxic dreck and groan-worthy wordplay.
GeneralZod - 2/22/2024, 11:23 AM
I found a condensed version of Madame Web here:

Superheromoviefan - 2/22/2024, 1:19 PM
gorgeous art
YonnyLayna - 2/22/2024, 3:24 PM
They should have gone more wild with the concept like Anya being conected with a Spider god, The other an Alien, the other and Experiment like Silk or Jessica Drew.

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