THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Returns To Theaters With Spidey's Lowest Re-Release Haul To Date

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Returns To Theaters With Spidey's Lowest Re-Release Haul To Date

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Nightwing1015 - 9/13/2021, 12:41 PM
Franchise?! 😬

IDK about that......but TASM1 is a wonderful movie.
dragon316 - 9/13/2021, 5:59 PM
@Nightwing1015 - you like text talk idk tell me saw means in text talk
Nightwing1015 - 9/14/2021, 2:34 AM
@dragon316 - Never heard that one before. Quick search shows these are some possible answers:
AntiDragon613 - 9/14/2021, 5:02 PM
@dragon316 - STFU U POS
dracula - 9/13/2021, 12:50 PM
10. Not sure I'd count that considering the second was just a Raimi knock off with bigger eyes and in some shots the head just looked weird

9. Yeah there were some cool moments.

8. The camera tricks werent as cool as the Raimi movies, but Webb for sure gave his own flare, mainly in the way he moved.

7. Hell no

6. Might be the best version of the relationship

5. 100%, better than Mary Jane and Michelle

4. Hit or Miss

3. Agree

2. Nice that he talked, although don't think the wise cracks were all that great.

1. Yeah
DannRamm113 - 9/13/2021, 12:52 PM
I have the unpopular opinion that Garfield is my favorite spider-man.

Sorry not sorry

Spike101 - 9/13/2021, 1:45 PM
@Waddles - spot on
dracula - 9/13/2021, 12:56 PM
best spiderman
manofillintent1 - 9/13/2021, 1:03 PM
Remember when this pic first dropped? Thought it was gonna be the dark knight of the spider man series lol

dracula - 9/13/2021, 1:28 PM
@manofillintent1 - was clearly what they were trying to do, who knows maybe could have happened if they didnt course correct like crazy in the sequel and replace the writer
manofillintent1 - 9/13/2021, 2:05 PM
@dracula - first ones not bad it just suffers from retreading the origin story so soon and everything with the lizard was kinda dumb, I gave the series the benefit of the doubt but 2 was a real WTF theater experience
FinnishDude - 9/13/2021, 1:05 PM
This list is 10 points too long.
inkniron - 9/13/2021, 1:07 PM
There were definitely things to love but then they let little things like the story get in the way. Garfield is still my favorite Spidey, just not necessarily my favorite Peter. You definitely hit the nail on the head with 1,2,6,& 9. To me, those are just a swing and a miss in the MCU, although Rami did well with 6, just to a lesser extent.
Thing94 - 9/13/2021, 1:07 PM
I wonder if No Way Home will wrap up the Amazing Spider-Man trilogy somehow? It's storyline?
marvel72 - 9/13/2021, 1:53 PM
@Thing94 - I think they may de-age Toby Spidey but I'd be happy to see an older looking Peter,like he has continued being Spider-Man even though we haven't seen his adventures..
Thing94 - 9/13/2021, 2:00 PM
@marvel72 - That'd be interesting but that's the Raimi trilogy
TheWalkingCuban - 9/13/2021, 6:34 PM
@Thing94 - I doubt the unsolved mysteries will become solved mysteries but that would be interesting. It seems like that’s the stuff we could’ve seen in that third movie or the S6, But it was not a very interesting mystery. Part two should have revealed more. One thing though, I would like them to address the build up to the sinister six in the Garfield movies, if they don’t do that that’s fine but it would be cool. Thing is though, electro is not blue, Dr. octopus is alive, stuff like that, so I guess the Garfield sinister six is a moot point. Also they should have a CGI rhino (BTS Prowler and Rhino)

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