Former THUNDERBOLTS Star Steven Yeun And Kevin Feige Reunite At The Emmys

Former THUNDERBOLTS Star Steven Yeun And Kevin Feige Reunite At The Emmys Former THUNDERBOLTS Star Steven Yeun And Kevin Feige Reunite At The Emmys

Steven Yeun recently announced his departure from Marvel Studios' Thunderbolts and reunited with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige at the Emmys!

By JoshWilding - Jan 16, 2024 09:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Thunderbolts

The news that The Walking Dead and Beef star Steven Yeun had been cast as The Sentry in Thunderbolts was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. The actor is considered a rising star and powerhouse talent, so enlisting him to play the deranged superhero felt like a big win for Marvel Studios. 

Since then, Yeun has dropped out of the project due to scheduling issues. He's made it clear he would be open to playing another superhero, but given Thunderbolts' many delays and script changes, it's possible Yeun soured on The Sentry. Chances are, we'll never know. 

During last night's Emmy Awards, Yeun actually reunited with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige during a commercial break (while those take place, celebrities typically stand up, get a drink, or start talking to each other). 

Taken out of context, it's impossible to know what was said or how this brief conversation went. Many fans on social media have said it looked tense, while others have suggested the two might have awkwardly been discussing Yeun's MCU departure. 

Honestly, we'd like to think these two were talking about future plans for the actor in the MCU and that his decision to walk away from Thunderbolts was indeed an amicable one. Ultimately, we won't find out until if and when Yeun - who won an Emmy last night - shows up in a future Marvel project! 

Earlier this month, Yeun explained that last year's SAG-AFTRA strike played a role in his decision to pass on playing the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Sentry. 

"I think for me, time passing and things shifting kind of pulled me out of it," he explained. "But Jake [Schreier], I know, is going to do an incredible job. I wanna do a Marvel movie It took a lot of drafts on email to make sure that I conveyed the sincerity of how sorry I was to have to back out."

As for which Marvel role he'd like to potentially tackle next, Yeun added: "I think it’s too early to say that. I probably pissed off too many people leaving, so I’m just gonna say, 'Thank you for having me.' I have some ideas. But I heard if you put it out there, you’ll never get it, so I’ll keep it close to my chest."

Check out his meeting with Feige in the X post below.

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Spoken - 1/16/2024, 9:42 AM
How is that awkward? You mean showing "respect" towards a multi-billion dollar producer? He's not gonna be weird or a dick to him.
SonOfAGif - 1/16/2024, 10:27 AM
@Spoken - Josh is a clown. Apparently Josh believes that anyone who exits a project automatically has bad blood and drama with the studio they departed from. As if schedule conflicts are fake news.
Spoken - 1/16/2024, 10:29 AM
@SonOfAGif - Annoying. I am sure it was just bad-timing and he just lost interest. Time is money man. He may not be a big ass comic nerd like us.
TheFinestSmack - 1/16/2024, 11:47 AM
@SonOfAGif - Right? Yuen even said he hopes to be in a Marvel someday in the future...
foreverintheway - 1/16/2024, 12:10 PM
@Spoken - They've re-written the title to remove any mention of it being overtly awkward.
GhostDog - 1/16/2024, 9:50 AM
How the hell would you know it’s awkward? That imagination of yours is at it again. A whole article for a single photo…
BruceWayng - 1/16/2024, 10:53 AM
@GhostDog - I think he just assumes that everyone else feels as awkward as he does speaking with other human beings one on one. Especially in person/face to face
GhostDog - 1/16/2024, 11:12 AM
@BruceWayng - facts.
Doomsday8888 - 1/16/2024, 9:51 AM
"You can stop shaking my hand, Kev...or i'll give you something to shake alright."
theFUZZ008 - 1/16/2024, 9:55 AM
MotherGooseUPus - 1/16/2024, 9:57 AM
lazlodaytona - 1/16/2024, 10:04 AM
Dude had the most vicious death of all time on TWD and pretty much television history.
RedFury - 1/16/2024, 10:07 AM
Lmao, I've been calling this place a tabloid, and this all but confirms it.

Shame on you for stooping this low. It's pretty pathetic.
Thing94 - 1/16/2024, 10:10 AM
Where's the video? All I see is a photo, lol
Fogs - 1/16/2024, 10:16 AM
The only thing awkward there is wearing a cap and bow tie.
BruceWayng - 1/16/2024, 10:45 AM
@Fogs - I know what a total ass clown. I have pretty much lost all respect for him after these past few years. If he fuggs up F4 and X-Men then I’m going to lose it
Batmangina - 1/16/2024, 10:31 AM
Why don't they actually make something with this dude that makes sense - like a Captain Sulu series?

I'd actually subscribe to check that out.

PS: I know he's Korean and Sulu is Japanese
EZBeast - 1/16/2024, 10:31 AM
Once again you give meaningless photos articles but monarch legacy of monsters gets no overview or final review on this site...
MarvelousMarty - 1/16/2024, 10:45 AM
Kevin looks such a dick in that hat. It's lost its novelty.
rebellion - 1/16/2024, 11:01 AM
Im an idiot for clicking, but youre a bigger one for writing this
ObserverIO - 1/16/2024, 11:20 AM
@rebellion -
rebellion - 1/16/2024, 11:35 AM
@ObserverIO - touche
supermanrex - 1/16/2024, 11:33 AM
what sucks is the stuffy hollywood elite are probably patting Yuen on the back congratulating him on leaving an "illegitimate" genre and that he can do better.

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