THUNDERBOLTS: A Fellow THE WALKING DEAD Alum May Be Set To Replace Steven Yeun As Sentry

THUNDERBOLTS: A Fellow THE WALKING DEAD Alum May Be Set To Replace Steven Yeun As Sentry THUNDERBOLTS: A Fellow THE WALKING DEAD Alum May Be Set To Replace Steven Yeun As Sentry

Steven Yeun recently dropped out of Marvel Studios' Thunderbolts, and a new rumor doing the rounds online is claiming that a fellow Walking Dead alum may be set to replace him...

By MarkCassidy - Jan 12, 2024 09:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Thunderbolts

Steven Yeun recently dropped out of Marvel Studios' upcoming Thunderbolts movie after a strikes-related delay resulted in a scheduling conflict. We may now know who the studio is lining up to replace him, and it's a fellow The Walking Dead alum!

According to both Daniel Richtman and rDCUleaks, Austin Abrams has the "current offer" to step into the role of The Sentry.

Abrams played Ron Anderson in the fifth and sixth seasons of the AMC zombie series, as well as Ethan Daley in Euphoria and Dash in Dash & Lily. He has also appeared in films such as The Kings of Summer, Paper Towns, Brad's Status, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Chemical Hearts.

CWGST also weighed in with the following:

It's worth noting that the character Yeun was going to play still hasn't officially been confirmed as the Sentry, but The Walking Dead and Invincible creator Robert Kirkman did say the following during a 2023 interview.

“Yeah, he called me, he went in for a costume fitting. I hope I’m not… I don’t think this is a spoiler or anything that will get anybody in trouble. I don’t know, maybe. We’ll see. I don’t care. I don’t work for Marvel. What are they going to do to me? He called me and he said, 'I just came back from a costume fitting for the Sentry. I guess I only do superheroes that are yellow and blue.' He said he was at the costume fitting and was like, 'Aww, crap. I forgot Invincible was yellow and blue.'"

We have heard that filming is currently scheduled to begin in March, and casting is also underway for "a high-tech militia group that the Thunderbolts are going to fight in the film."

Though other characters might well be added, the Thunderbolts roster consists of Red Guardian (David Harbour), Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen), Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh), Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), John Walker/U.S. Agent (Wyatt Russell), and Taskmaster (Olga Kurylenko).

Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julie Louis Dreyfus) will put the team together, and may also be partially responsible for Sentry's creation. Harrison Ford will replace the late William Hurt as Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, who may wind up transforming into the Red Hulk.

Ayo Edebiri (The Bear, Bottoms) has reportedly been cast as a character named Erin, who is Allegra de Fontaine's assistant. Erin is said to be "exceptional at her job, even surprising Val with how good she is at getting things done."

Jake Schreier (Robot and Frank, Dave) is set to direct, with Black Widow scribe Eric Pearson penning the script.

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Mrnorth1921 - 1/12/2024, 9:39 PM
This is guy is so short. Can you not find a physically larger actor that can act? It’s not that hard marvel. A lot of brilliant actors out there. Who are taller than 5’9-5’11.
Origame - 1/12/2024, 9:42 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - yeah, they've long since figured out how to make actors who are shorter appear taller in film. Most people forget Robert Downey Jr is actually significantly shorter than Gwyneth Paltrow.
Mrnorth1921 - 1/12/2024, 9:46 PM
@Spidey91 - when was magneto 10 feet?
TheNewYorker - 1/12/2024, 10:42 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - you thinking 5’8 is “so short” is pretty funny. You’re probably 5’6, and think only actors over 6’3 should get any work 🤭
Mrnorth1921 - 1/12/2024, 10:49 PM
@TheNewYorker - I am 5’8. I don’t want reacher size. Or Thor size. I just want an actor who is close to his height in the comics. He is 6’0-6’2. That’s all.
TheUnworthyThor - 1/12/2024, 11:40 PM
@TheNewYorker - So since I’m 6’1 does that qualify to think a taller actor should play this imposing hero?
TheNewYorker - 1/13/2024, 12:07 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - but how tall without the heels?
TheNewYorker - 1/13/2024, 12:08 AM
@Mrnorth1921 - fair enough.
harryba11zack - 1/13/2024, 7:08 AM
@TheNewYorker - they should, midgets has no place in society
CasualFanatic - 1/13/2024, 10:47 AM
@Mrnorth1921 - Sentry is so over-powered, I don’t think it matters how tall the actor is or how tall they make him look. In fact, having him be shorter could lead to the “heroes” underestimating him…just before he tears them a new one
SuperiorHeckler - 1/13/2024, 12:00 PM
@Mrnorth1921 - I imagine that this will be similar to a Bruce Banner/Hulk type of situation. Doesn't really matter the physical size of the actual actor after they apply the necessary CGI enhancements to him after he transforms into the Sentry character. 🤨
Origame - 1/12/2024, 9:42 PM
Not buying it.
RedFury - 1/12/2024, 11:59 PM
@Origame - I'm starting to get the feeling that they're planning to CGI Sentry's size based on both actors. Sort of a reverse to what they did with Chris Evans. Have the actors true self portray him before the serum, and then cgi him into the final form of Sentry.

Unless they're playing with the idea of an unassuming person, with unbelievable power.
Origame - 1/13/2024, 8:20 AM
@RedFury - honestly I just don't trust these scoopers anymore.
rychlec - 1/12/2024, 9:43 PM
I can see that guy working out. And, hopefully, they lose that ridiculous GIANT 'S' on the suit.
MyCoolYoung - 1/12/2024, 9:46 PM
@rychlec - but it stands for hope.
JustAWaffle - 1/13/2024, 3:22 AM
@MyCoolYoung -
Ryguy88 - 1/13/2024, 8:48 AM
@MyCoolYoung - lol
starblazed - 1/12/2024, 9:55 PM
Dev Patel would make a great Nightcrawler
MotherGooseUPus - 1/12/2024, 11:05 PM
@starblazed - I love that idea
IronMan616 - 1/12/2024, 11:56 PM
@starblazed - isn't Nightcrawler Catholic?
MaxPaint - 1/12/2024, 9:56 PM
"Too bad Dev Patel didn't accept the offer for Sentry."

marvel72 - 1/12/2024, 10:10 PM
"Too bad Dev Patel accept the offer for Sentry"

TheLobster - 1/12/2024, 10:15 PM
Marvel is actively trying to get more Ls lol
TheLobster - 1/12/2024, 10:16 PM
If Dev Patel actually declined an offer - that tells you everything you need to know about where Marvel is at these days lmao
grif - 1/12/2024, 10:24 PM
what about the guy that brought donuts onto the set? what about him getting the role?
JustAWaffle - 1/13/2024, 3:23 AM
@grif -
Batmangina - 1/12/2024, 10:34 PM
Is it the black chick with the sword?

Please be the black chick with the sword...
TheUnworthyThor - 1/12/2024, 10:35 PM
Is there something in the story that requires The Sentry to be short?
Mrnorth1921 - 1/12/2024, 10:38 PM
@TheUnworthyThor - in the comics, Bob is a normal looking dude. Who can transform into sentry. But why keep that elements? They dropped the whole Donald blake thing with Thor. Why not just hire a big actor. Have a scene or two of him as Bob. Sort of like what they with cap. And keep the other actor.
TheNewYorker - 1/12/2024, 10:39 PM
Dev Patel is absolutely horrible! Anyone other than him will suffice.
NinnesMBC - 1/12/2024, 10:41 PM
Can't believe we lost a Golden Globe winner actor to this, with all due respect.

I'd rather they keep looking tbh.
Tpo81 - 1/12/2024, 10:48 PM
They can't sell being the Sentry in the MCU to anyone? Seems like it's gonna be a really good movie when Dev Patel is like yeah no thanks still waiting on my sequel to the last air bender to get greenlit but thanks for thinking of me
MotherGooseUPus - 1/12/2024, 11:08 PM
I feel like this is a win.. almost like how I picked the Browne to win the super bowl... but seriously I did
Sabre81 - 1/13/2024, 1:46 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - Playing the Texans tonight I see, all the best, do you have money on it?
MotherGooseUPus - 1/13/2024, 9:44 AM
@Sabre81 - made a $10 bet on the browns to win it all...
also did a parlay with DK bonus bet so i took the browns, chiefs, cowboys, rams and bucs
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