THE INCREDIBLES And FINDING NEMO Sequels In The Works At Pixar; INSIDE OUT 2 TV Series Revealed

THE INCREDIBLES And FINDING NEMO Sequels In The Works At Pixar; INSIDE OUT 2 TV Series Revealed

MOANA 2 Trailer And Poster See The Rock Return As Maui To Embark On A Thrilling New Adventure
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MOANA 2 Trailer And Poster See The Rock Return As Maui To Embark On A Thrilling New Adventure

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tmp3 - 5/30/2019, 10:26 AM
Ah yes, I remember watching The Lion King and thinking "you know what would make this better? If it was less dynamic and had way less emotive characters!"
LongMayHeReign - 5/30/2019, 11:11 AM
@tmp3 - I mean, no one is forcing you to watch and this remake doesn't mean the original gets Thanos snapped out of existence, so I don't see the problem.
tmp3 - 5/30/2019, 11:21 AM
@LongMayHeReign - If you couldn't tell that I was joking, I don't know what to say.
MyCoolYoung - 5/30/2019, 10:27 AM
I don't know how everyone else feels, but for me it's something about the live action animals that kinda takes away from the charm to me.

Hopefully the cast voices will add a layer to it. I enjoyed Aladdin very much but I don't know about this one
Kumkani - 5/30/2019, 10:28 AM
I still think this movie LOOKS phenomenal. Whether it actually is (i.e., whether it's capable of creating or recreating the same emotional reactions I had with the original one) remains to be seen. Looking forward to it, but remaining cautious.
L0RDbuckethead - 5/30/2019, 10:28 AM
Seriously? John Oliver is going to sound exactly like Atkinson as Zazu.
L0RDbuckethead - 5/30/2019, 10:35 AM
Also, I found these

Style of the 1994 Lion King Trailer:

Style of the 2019 trailer:

Both really cool.
billnye69 - 5/30/2019, 10:29 AM
Seth Rogen as Pumbaa....that sounds about right.
L0RDbuckethead - 5/30/2019, 10:33 AM
@billnye69 - You can hear him at the end of the trailer singing the "wimoweh, wimoweh" part from The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
regularmovieguy - 5/30/2019, 10:29 AM
I wish I was more on board with this movie than I am.
tmp3 - 5/30/2019, 10:33 AM
@regularmovieguy - This film looks like dog-shit, I'm sorry. People seem to be in love with how realistic the CGI renders look that they forget how much it's gonna cap the actual story-telling; expressive character designs help sell Lion King so much, more so than a lot of other animated features too. Even beyond the fact that Nat Geo Simba doesn't sound like a super compelling protagonist, it just looks like a shot-for-shot remaster of a story that was already beautifully told. It's like the epitome of commerce over art.
That said, watch this make like 2 billion.
MyCoolYoung - 5/30/2019, 10:36 AM
@tmp3 - we've barely seen anything from this how do you know how much they'll be able to emote?
regularmovieguy - 5/30/2019, 10:43 AM

“It's like the epitome of commerce over art. That said, watch this make like 2 billion.”

Lol 100%. I hope Favreau makes another passion project after this. At least Jungle Book didn’t like a 1:1 recreation and like it had something to contribute to the original.

Felt no feels in the trailer for this one.
regularmovieguy - 5/30/2019, 10:46 AM

Also - was going to see Aladdin last weekend. Actually went.

About 40 minutes into my buddy texted me and I left haha I just wasn’t into the movie. Also watched the animation the night before and just didn’t really care to see it again.
OmegaBlack13 - 5/30/2019, 11:26 AM
@tmp3 - Isn’t the accomplishment of making this look so photorealistic an art in itself though?
Unavailable - 5/31/2019, 2:30 AM
@regularmovieguy - I reserve judgment. Think looks great. Body language can be just as emotive as the face. You can't win with remakes. You keep to original story you get criticism from somene with the opinion as you. But you change something then you upset the purists like ppl not liking Scar cos not same colour for example. Looking forward to it myself. It could totally be awfull or boring but I still think the animation is incredible not withstanding.
EZBeast - 5/30/2019, 10:33 AM
Well they look...umm...yep
xfan320 - 5/30/2019, 10:34 AM
These just look like screen grabs from a National Geographic nature documentary
Kumkani - 5/30/2019, 10:36 AM
@xfan320 - Honestly the CGI looks near perfect. It's almost unsettling.
ShellHead - 5/30/2019, 10:42 AM
Photo-realistc animals cannot emote!
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