AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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Nightwing1015 - 4/30/2019, 7:06 AM
For real though, the Defenders would get destroyed within 5 seconds.

Punisher and Daredevil are the only ones that stand a change. I think they should have made a small cameo at some point. Other characters who have been developed less still got cameos.
marvel72 - 4/30/2019, 7:10 AM
@Nightwing1015 - The comic book versions of The Defenders were sort of in it.

The Hulk
Doctor Strange
LEVITIKUZ - 4/30/2019, 7:12 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Honestly Daredevil would get his ass kicked

Luke Cage is a bulletproof beast
Jessica Jones is superstrong
Iron Fist has that glowing fist which kind of works like T’Challa’s purple blast

Daredevil got 2 sticks
GhostDog - 4/30/2019, 7:19 AM
@Nightwing1015 - DD is my fave comic hero ever but Matt would get his ass STOMPED DURING THAT FINAL BATTLE.

At best, he could evade the aliens like Hakweye spent the whole time doing. But Clint has an array of explosive arrows to help him do that.

Matt would need to dip immediately
MosquitoFarmer - 4/30/2019, 7:07 AM
LEVITIKUZ - 4/30/2019, 7:08 AM
As much as I want Daredevil in the MCU, it wouldn’t have made any since for him to make his film debut in Endgame when he hasn’t been introduced in films yet

So introduce him as Charlie Cox in a Spider-Man film

And for people to say or think Charlie won’t be back (despite all signs pointing to Hulu renewing the shows after 2020), keep in mind that Charlie is married to a producer who has been involved in all the MCU tv shows

If you think Charlie is leaving or being replaced or Feige would have the balls to do a film of a character like Daredevil......
LEVITIKUZ - 4/30/2019, 7:11 AM
Weird question but did any of you get 2 trailers of Dark Phoenix back to back when seeing Endgame?

They really trying to make this the Endgame of X-Men and for the first trailer, half the footage was Hugh

I will admit, I did get chills & had a smile on my face seeing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in beautiful breathtaking IMAX
LongMayHeReign - 4/30/2019, 7:20 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - Unless Cox's wife is also a producer on the Disney+ shows she has zero pull.
LEVITIKUZ - 4/30/2019, 7:23 AM
@LongMayHeReign - She might

She was involved on all the Netflix shows, Agents of SHIELD, & Agent Carter

She isn’t involved on any of the other marvel shows which aren’t connected to the mcu
Kman - 4/30/2019, 7:38 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - Daredevil and Spider-Man... we will accept nothing less!
marvel72 - 4/30/2019, 7:12 AM
Can't wait for Phase 4 but I am looking forward to Phase 5 more, especially if its when we'll see The Fantastic Four and The X-Men.
bkmeijer2 - 4/30/2019, 7:14 AM
If they were in the background, like Howard the Duck, only the eagle eyed fans probably would've focused. There were so many heroes I'm not sure if I've seen them all after several viewings. It's really just a lame excuse for saying [frick] those characters. Then again, if Jarvis could make an appearence then why couldn't the other ABC characters?
Nightwing1015 - 4/30/2019, 7:48 AM
@MalseMarcel - To be honest, I think the real reason they weren't there is legal issues. Netflix apparently had that thing in their contract that the characters can't appear in anything other than the series until 2 years after cancelation. I don't fully understand it but it would probably take some work to get them in the background of the film.
incredibleTalk - 4/30/2019, 8:40 AM
@MalseMarcel - They really didn't need them...

scapegoatjones - 4/30/2019, 7:14 AM
their excuse for not including the defenders is straight bullshit. i mean howard the duck, yes? but luke cage, no?
GhostDog - 4/30/2019, 7:14 AM
"I think the only character who has come from TV to the movies is Jarvis, James D’Arcy [from 'Agent Carter']."

Because Markus and McFeely created Agent Carter and its the one show that is LITERALLY WITHOUT QUESTION, connected to the films.

Mrcool210 - 4/30/2019, 7:16 AM
What moron asked why the xmen wern't included? The deal wasn't done in 2017 when they shot the damn thing. Sometimes people need to think before asking dumb questions like that.

Fair enough with the defenders though. Except if Howard the duck can be in that fight, they could be too. Just have them in the background, and the eagle eyed fans could notice. Sure they wou;d "Get destroyed" but so would Howard, and again, he's there.
GhostDog - 4/30/2019, 7:16 AM
Matt during the final battle, being overwhelmed by sensory overload
LEVITIKUZ - 4/30/2019, 7:18 AM
@BlackBeltJones - more like Matt during the snap

Seriously there’s a great season of Daredevil just waiting to be written about the snap where Matt loses Foggy, Karen, & hell even Frank since I think Matt would even consider Frank somewhat of a friend
GhostDog - 4/30/2019, 7:21 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - "Seriously there’s a great season of Daredevil just waiting to be written about the snap where Matt loses Foggy, Karen, & hell even Frank since I think Matt would even consider Frank somewhat of a friend."

I would watch the hell out of this. Matt trying to keep a Hell's Kitchen in check, post-snap. Basically an urban wild west for him.

Seasons 4 and 5 taking place during two of the years during the five year gap. I'd take a comic continuation at this point.
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