AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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Spock0Clock - 5/1/2019, 1:25 AM
It's crazy how much of the future of the MCU seems to be laid on the shoulders of the Eternals. Either that, or the existing Avengers (maybe with a heavy female focus) are going to be headlining for the time being.
TheUnworthyThor - 5/1/2019, 1:49 AM
@Spock0Clock - I’m still of the belief that they will starting next year begin building (slowly) towards an inevitable Avengers/Eternals crossover movie involving the Fourth Host of the Celestials.
Vandalore - 5/1/2019, 5:34 AM
@Spock0Clock - I dont know if its a smart idea or even logistically feasible, but i think the MCU should take 1 year off after ENDGAME (and I guess Far From Home).

I worry that pumping out phase 4 soon after might be a mistake. Give us time to digest, to grieve, and to miss the MCU... take the time to flesh out the next saga and phases... then a year later drop the first dope trailer for phase 4's first movie and build it all back up like you did from Iron Man onward.

I dont know why but I'm not ready to move on to the next saga yet. I'm ready, but I'm also no where near ready. Endgame took a lot out of me, and I'm still gonna see it several more times.
TheUnworthyThor - 5/1/2019, 5:42 AM
@PTM - There is already going to be massive break (for Marvel) between movies from July to next May. Dang near a year. And that one will be a prequel. I’ll think everyone will have the time they need.
Vandalore - 5/1/2019, 5:51 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - I'm on the verge of going to sleep and didn't bother doing math lol well, that break sounds about good to me.
dracula - 5/1/2019, 1:36 AM
Black Widow is probably going to be a one off film.
Seriously should have had her own trilogy, in the infinity stones era of the mcu, if it werent for Wonder Woman's sucess we probably wouldnt have gotten 1 black widow movie.
Seriously how did Captain Marvel get a movie before Black Widow.
Unless they are going to devote a trilogy to the backstory of a dead character, this will be the last we see of her. Although a trilogy would be cool
First film about her time in the Red Room
Second film about her first encounter with Hawkeye
Third film about what happened in Budapest
Kyos - 5/1/2019, 1:55 AM
@dracula - Seriously how did Captain Marvel get a movie before Black Widow.

How are we getting a solo Joker movie before a solo Flash movie? Sometimes things just don't take the most obvious path, for whatever reasons.
dracula - 5/1/2019, 2:07 AM
@Kyos - At least Joker has the benefit of being pretty much the most recognizable villain in comics, probably more recognizable than some heroes, including The Flash. Captain Marvel's comics, from what ive heard are constantly being relaunched because of low sales. Black Widow has been popular for a while longer
Webfooter - 5/1/2019, 2:14 AM
@dracula - She unfortunately started in the MCU when Perlmutter had great influence on the studio and basically said that movies and toys of female heroes don't sell. By the time Feige got near complete control of Marvel Studios in 2014, the wheels of Phase 3 were already turning and there wasn't much space for her solo film.
dracula - 5/1/2019, 2:24 AM
@Webfooter - To bad, there were plenty of places she could have shined, remember when they were considering stuff like a Nic Fury movie, Shield movie, Hawkeye and yeah black widow even stuff like Warrior Three in the early days of the mcu
Kyos - 5/1/2019, 2:38 AM
@dracula - Well, whatever the troubles with Captain Marvel's comics might be - after not appearing in a single movie prior to her solo debut she seemingly really connected with audiences and kicked all kinds of ass at the worldwide box office. So it's kind of hard to argue with the decision to give her that movie, regardless of wether Black Widow should have gotten one earlier.
dracula - 5/1/2019, 2:51 AM
@Kyos - True it was a big success, the movie wasn't one of marvel's best, but it wasn't there worst, and the problems can be worked out in the sequel. I'm not saying Captain Marvel shouldn't have gotten a sequel, really as a replacement for Captain America, she is the logical choice. Just saying, before they before the Captain Marvel movie's sucess it made more sense to do Black Widow
bkmeijer2 - 5/1/2019, 1:43 AM
I wonder when we’ll see the next Avengers movie. My expectation is 2023
TheUnworthyThor - 5/1/2019, 1:45 AM
@MalseMarcel - That would be my guess. But 2022 wouldn’t surprise me. They have billions of reasons not to wait any longer than 3 years.
Webfooter - 5/1/2019, 2:27 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - With all the films (8-9) supposedly in place for Phase 4, there's really not room for another Avengers film until 2023. Based on what was in the THR article, I think we can sort start put together a rough outline of what Marvel's future schedule looks like.

2020: BW in May and Eternals or Shang Chi in November
2021: Shang-Chi or Eternals in February, GOTG Vol 3 in May, Doctor Strange 2 in November
2022: Black Panther 2 or Captain Marvel 2 in February, BP2 or CM2 in May, and Ant-man/Wasp sequel or Spider-Man sequel in July
99OPTIMISTPRIME - 5/1/2019, 3:15 AM
@MalseMarcel - I think they'll try to incorporate the next Avengers event, into a mutant/X-Men-related conflict.
TheUnworthyThor - 5/1/2019, 1:43 AM
So pumped for Black Widow! Bring it on. Finally let us see all her spy skills in action.

99OPTIMISTPRIME - 5/1/2019, 3:08 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - And I'm predicting that the movie will flashforward, and establish Florence Pugh (who's probably Yelena Belova) as the MCU's new Black Widow. A passing of the torch.

TheUnworthyThor - 5/1/2019, 5:31 AM
@WAKANDABATMANFOREVER - What? Please no. No more legacy characters please.

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