AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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MULTIVERSUS Game Takes A Shot At BLACK ADAM Star Dwayne Johnson's Vows To Change The Hierarchy Of Power

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JourneyIntoMystery - 10/29/2017, 1:13 AM
Surprise surprise! Anyway, always good to have him.
Origame - 10/29/2017, 7:08 AM
@JourneyIntoMystery - It IS surprising. It's now confirmed that Tony is going to shrink 3 feet during the events of Infinity Wars. Gotta admit, never saw that coming.
JourneyIntoMystery - 10/29/2017, 8:22 AM
@Origame - Scott must have had an accident with his Pym particles.
Origame - 10/29/2017, 9:35 AM
@JourneyIntoMystery - No it just happened. It was weird.
Argetlam22 - 10/30/2017, 3:22 PM
Maybe this means that Ant-Man shrinks the earth temporarily to hide it from Thanos, like in the cartoon? I feel like that would be an awesome scene if done right.
Invasion96 - 10/29/2017, 1:21 AM
Marvel needs to be bold and kill off a major player not a side character but someone like Iron Man
Invasion96 - 10/29/2017, 1:22 AM
Black Widow gotta meet her maker in this movie I’m sorry she gotta go
Forthas - 10/29/2017, 1:25 AM
Do they have their alter ego names on the chair to stay in character...
Invasion96 - 10/29/2017, 1:32 AM
Ruthless said that Black Widow was more deserving of a movie than Black Panther and I knew just how serious mental health is in the world
DetectiveCinema - 10/29/2017, 1:54 AM
I can see Chris Evan’s Cap biting the bullet, with Bucky or Falcon taking over
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