MARVEL RIVALS Coming To PS5 And Xbox Series X|S; Venom And Adam Warlock Revealed

MARVEL RIVALS Coming To PS5 And Xbox Series X|S; Venom And Adam Warlock Revealed

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TheManWithoutFear - 1/4/2018, 2:35 PM
Great news. Loved The Lost Legacy.
NightBoyWonder - 1/4/2018, 2:39 PM
Holy shit. This is awesome. Hopefully we start getting more details on gameplay mechanics, characters and all that stuff.
Deonox - 1/4/2018, 3:48 PM
@ThePanther - Probably not for a while, Sqaure loves to take their time
Menks123 - 1/4/2018, 2:40 PM
This is going to be fricking great. I'm really hoping for an open world RPG, personally. It is about time Marvel does something huge in the videogame world.
Buckster10 - 1/4/2018, 3:25 PM
@Menks123 - Something like GTA or Red Dead with Avengers and a Marvel New York skin would be fantastic!
StormXmen123 - 1/4/2018, 3:33 PM
@Menks123 - I would personally like something similar to to the marvel Lego games with relastic graphics. Just a range of characters you can play. Fly around as vision. Leap with hulk, etc.
Menks123 - 1/4/2018, 3:35 PM
@Buckster10 - Exactly. Red Dead is my top 3 favorite games of all time. The story, graphics, characters and side quests...just amazing. Imagining a like that or GTA but as an Avenger, holy shit.
Buckster10 - 1/4/2018, 3:45 PM
@Menks123 - You can freely enter Avengers Tower or The Sanctum Santorum, stop random crime and then take on the bigger threats! That would be fantastic. But it has to be done well (I remember that old X Box Superman game that was "open world" and it was pretty bad). And no microtransactions!!!
JohnnyTBP - 1/4/2018, 2:40 PM
Great news
BlackPhillip - 1/4/2018, 2:40 PM
I miss playing Heroes Omega
JohnnyTBP - 1/4/2018, 2:41 PM
@BlackPhillip - fax I'm still mad
comicfan100 - 1/4/2018, 2:55 PM
@BlackPhillip - For real. Still pissed we never got Spider-Woman...
JohnnyTBP - 1/4/2018, 2:41 PM
KingNomarch - 1/4/2018, 2:42 PM
I forgot all about this game
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