Marvel Fan Spots AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR VFX Blunder Which May Ruin One Of The Movie's Biggest Moments

Marvel Fan Spots AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR VFX Blunder Which May Ruin One Of The Movie's Biggest Moments

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CaptainElrond - 11/26/2018, 2:36 AM
Possibly jormmangdr the world serpent and the killer of thor. Maybe not though.

Kevwebsz - 11/26/2018, 2:36 AM
Should've kept it. Would've loved to see giant dwarf blacksmith Peter Dinklage fighting them.
JonC - 11/26/2018, 9:08 AM
@Kevwebsz - Did anyone notice its not teenage groot actually hands on with the serpent? How come in the headline he isn't getting any love in this "team up"?
"Concept Art Sees Thor And Rocket Teaming Up To Take On Giant Serpents"
Nebula - 11/26/2018, 2:40 AM
+ Groot

Probably would've made the Dinkle-bit more interesting. Though it was probably best that they held their load until..
Kumkani - 11/26/2018, 5:14 AM
@Nebula - Gonna take a while til another superhero entrance beats this one I think
SonOfAGif - 11/26/2018, 8:28 AM
@DnA - Just wait until all heroes are standing side by side waiting for Thanos.
CaptainElrond - 11/26/2018, 2:44 AM
Dam actually saw that way back then, never thought of what they were fighting.

L0RDbuckethead - 11/26/2018, 2:45 AM
Just another excuse to post one of your lists, eh Josh?

Omega - 11/26/2018, 2:47 AM
Thor looked badass with eyepatch and some of those designs are way better than what we had,its a shame that they gave him an eye so quickly.With an eyepatch he would look more and more similiar to older Thor from comics,and with some of those custumes like Odinson.
Origame - 11/26/2018, 4:58 AM
@Omega - i still dont get the idea behind removing his eye at the end if they were just gonna replace it so quickly. Im guessing waititi did this without really talking to anyone working on infinity war until last minute so they had to include that scene of him getting a new eye so they didnt have to keep worrying about the eyepatch.
L0RDbuckethead - 11/26/2018, 2:49 AM
Frshcoupe - 11/26/2018, 4:49 AM
Waiting for A4 news all day and week like 👀👀👀👀
Vigor - 11/26/2018, 5:37 AM
@Frshcoupe - it's excruciating
Subtlespammer24 - 11/26/2018, 7:24 AM
Bro, trailer, A4... at this point the trailer is gonna come out like 3 weeks after the movie
Beerus - 12/4/2018, 12:51 AM
Thor looks so much better with the long hair.
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