HUNTRESS Korean-Language DCU Movie Rumored To Have Enlisted THE VILLAINESS Director Jung Byung-Gil

HUNTRESS Korean-Language DCU Movie Rumored To Have Enlisted THE VILLAINESS Director Jung Byung-Gil

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Repian - 9/3/2018, 8:17 AM
I want Bobby Cannavale to play Roman Sionis.
Mattygrand - 9/3/2018, 8:19 AM
Honestly hyped for this movie. People can say what they want, bitch and complain all they want, but there is plenty of potential in this movie. Living up to said potential is another story, but I’m more then willing to see where this leads
dragon316 - 9/3/2018, 8:29 AM
@Mattygrand - I am also looking forward to this movie getting tired of all marvel movies have stupid comedy crap involved all time once in while I want seriouus movie critics love movies revenant and blade runner 2 I was blared fell sleep through one of them but they both popular I didn’t like them.,

It shows critics do not people they know movies I’m movie fan I will see this I like most dc movies it’s good change to marvel laugh fest fans complain abounsome stuff in movies are not accuse to books look at Thor raganrock book is all serious movie is laugh fest Thor character does not do and say anything funny but in movies he does fans want to complain about comic accurate there is one reason I won’t name countless others
Nightmare - 9/3/2018, 8:29 AM
So conflicting.

inkniron - 9/3/2018, 9:43 AM
@Nightmare - My thought exactly. They want a multi-racial BC who is also Lady Gaga. Like What the F
Fritzthecat - 9/3/2018, 8:30 AM
99OPTIMISTPRIME - 9/3/2018, 8:33 AM
You can't make this rated R.😂🤣 Not only would you want women to see this movie, but you'd want young girls to have something that they can enjoy other than Wonder Woman. I'm disappointed that Margot Robbie just kinda glossed over the importance of that. That's where you have to have WB execs, that are good at making smart business decisions. And for the most part, the DCEU has been lacking that.
Oberlin4Prez - 9/3/2018, 9:16 AM
@WAKANDABATMANFOREVER - Idk man, Deadpool still makes good money and I'd say even though it's an R-rated property there's a lot of younger boys that are into that character. Harley Quinn is very much loved by tween and teen girls that would probably eat up a rated - R movie with her in it.
CaptainElrond - 9/3/2018, 9:22 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - Well deadpool attracts adults. If it's r rated they might not be allowed in. Little dogs.
Oberlin4Prez - 9/3/2018, 9:32 AM
@TheInsaneCipher - Little dogs? Huh?
WarnerBrother - 9/3/2018, 11:26 AM

Another rumor is this film will be a smaller scale production with a smaller budget. It isn't
supposed to be a tentpole for WB. That's the trade off so they can have a higher level of violence
and deal with a number of LGBTQ and Feminist issues. This will not be the only DC property
with a female lead besides Wonder Woman. Gotham Sirens, Batgirl, Supergirl are still being developed
and Harley Quinn will take center stage whenever Suicide Squad 2 gets made.
CaptainElrond - 9/3/2018, 12:21 PM
@Oberlin4Prez - Sorry...I just hate teenagers.
bropous - 9/3/2018, 8:53 AM
Kumkani - 9/3/2018, 9:10 AM

Do what you want with this one WB
GhostDog - 9/3/2018, 9:21 AM
TheMisfit138 - 9/3/2018, 9:26 AM
Harley Quinn is just an annoying little girl trying really hard to be funny & crazy. Please make someone else the lead. She's steaming pile of Godzilla poop
SisterSunday52 - 9/3/2018, 10:11 AM
@TheMisfit138 - I think she'll be a lead in the same way she's a "lead" in "Harlequinade" where the Birds need her help finding the villain's hideout and they have to put up with her in order to save Oracle and the young Cassandra Cain.
Peel - 9/3/2018, 9:39 AM
Here's a quick fancast:

Harley Quinn - Margot Robbie

Black Canary - Elizabeth Debicki

Huntress - Nina Dobrev

Renee Montoya - Eiza Gonzalez

Cassandra Cain - Hailee Steinfeld

Black Mask - Mads Mikkelsen

LORDbuckethead - 9/3/2018, 11:50 AM
@Peel - Mads as Black Mask is a pretty solid pick. I could see it.
elcamino - 9/4/2018, 2:37 AM
@Peel - To expensive of a cast. Renee would be better for Stephanie Hunt if this is R rated.
SisterSunday52 - 9/3/2018, 9:58 AM
😒 *Sigh* Warner Bros. is not moving away from a shared universe. How are people still believing this, when we have seen evidence in the news and/or trailers for “Aquaman” and “Shazam!” (and possibly even “Wonder Woman 1984”) that they are still continuing to expand on Zack Snyder's DC Films Cinematic Universe?

They are scaling back on ties to each other. They all live in the same world, but they only visit each other on special occasions. You won't need to see any of the other films to enjoy whichever DC Film you go to. “Wonder Woman” is a direct tie in to “Batman v Superman”, but you would be hard pressed to find others who notice that. With the exception of, hopefully, “Shazam!”, (I'm begging for a Superman cameo) the other films will be the same way. No cameos. No “We’re talking about this huge thing which spoils another movie you need to have seen in order to understand it” moments.

I imagine it will be more like Marvel Netflix than MCU. That means minor references, and it means actors that play characters in one film, will play them in other DC Films. Simply put, unless one Barbara Gordon is significantly younger or older than another, (based on the time period in which a DC Film is set) the actress who plays Barbara Gordon in “Birds of Prey” will play her in other DC Films.
LORDbuckethead - 9/3/2018, 11:52 AM
3 things:

1. There's no way in hell this will be R-rated.
2. I bet one of the antagonists ends up being Cassandra Cain's father (which seems obvious).
3. I REALLY hope we get to see whomever they cast as Montoya suit up as the Question.

inkniron - 9/3/2018, 3:09 PM
@LORDbuckethead - But who will they cast? There will be backlash, as there should be, if she isn't Latina After the Ruby Rose controversy that never should have been, you best bet they cast an LGB actress. That starts really narrowing the scope of known actors.
LORDbuckethead - 9/3/2018, 3:32 PM
@inkniron - I bet they cast a staright woman. Most likely hispanic.

Just a guess though.
inkniron - 9/3/2018, 3:40 PM
@LORDbuckethead - This is the DCEU. Knowing them, Demi Lovato is probably their ideal. I may be less upset about a white woman trying to be Hispanic than Demi trying to be an actress.
elcamino - 9/4/2018, 2:40 AM
@LORDbuckethead - Stephanie Hunt. She is half Hispanic and played a lesbian in Friday Night Lights.
LORDbuckethead - 9/4/2018, 7:19 AM
@elcamino - Hmm, interesting choice, I like it! I haven't seen her in anything though. Unfortunately I never got on the Friday Night Lights train.

I could see it though, after looking at her roles in various things.
elcamino - 9/4/2018, 9:37 AM
@LORDbuckethead - She is in the Poor Boy movie with Amanda Crew playing hookers. It is on prime video now.There is this on vimeo.
LORDbuckethead - 9/4/2018, 9:52 AM
@elcamino - Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out and tag you when I do and let ya know what I think!
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