HUNTRESS Korean-Language DCU Movie Rumored To Have Enlisted THE VILLAINESS Director Jung Byung-Gil

HUNTRESS Korean-Language DCU Movie Rumored To Have Enlisted THE VILLAINESS Director Jung Byung-Gil

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soberchimera - 6/11/2020, 7:03 AM
inkniron - 6/11/2020, 7:20 AM
Step one: Just say no.
bkmeijer2 - 6/11/2020, 7:24 AM
Make it a pg-13 Gotham City Sirens movie or nothing at all
OmegaDaGrodd - 6/11/2020, 7:25 AM
OmegaDaGrodd - 6/11/2020, 7:53 AM
The best way to do a Harley Quinn solo is to realize you should not have been planning on doing a Harley Quinn solo
Kucakingkai1991 - 6/11/2020, 7:26 AM
Totally out off topic but [frick]ing finally Season 2 bitches

Chewtoy - 6/11/2020, 7:32 AM
From what I can tell (haven’t seen it), Birds of Prey was kneecapped from the start by limitations brought on by WB’s shifting plans for the DC properties.

With “The Batman” relaunching the Bat-verse, it seems clear that they didn’t want the Harley Quinn property keeping the failed version of the Joker going or establishing new takes on classic Bat characters like Ivy or Catwoman or Batgirl... they rightly wanted to leave the main Bat-cast up to Matt Reeves to interpret. So Harley had to “emancipate” herself from a new villain that had nothing to do with her alongside a cast of spare characters that WB was willing to let her have.

So the question with a Harley sequel is how much support the WB will give it. Would they allow her to have Ivy or the Joker (or Batman) in her film? If not, you’re always going to have a compromised version of a Harley movie... one that’s never quite allowed to adapt the character’s own best stuff.
TheUnworthyThor - 6/11/2020, 7:37 AM
Number 4: Bring back the Birds of Prey? Really!?

THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 6/11/2020, 7:39 AM
Harley Quinn is about to have more movies than Cavill's Superman. Let that sink in.
regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 7:41 AM
Josh Wilding: “10 Steps Warner Bros. Should Follow To Make The Perfect Solo Movie”

Also Josh:

regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 7:43 AM
Also...BOP won’t get a sequel unless they cap the budget at 50 mil.

Don’t see that happening.
BigMikeReviews - 6/11/2020, 7:48 AM
Let it go WB.. just stop.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/11/2020, 7:57 AM
she has to have footage of upper management in WB doing stuff .........
regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 8:03 AM

Margot was the best part of Suicide Squad. In that terrible train wreck of a movie she was actually pretty good, and that movie made 750 mil.

A Harley spin-off made sense at the time. But they definitely shot themselves in the foot by making it R-rated. I enjoyed those flourishes, but I’m also not the audience they should be targeting.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/11/2020, 8:15 AM
@regularmovieguy - i enjoyed her as well in the film honestly but making another film about her in contrast to the many of character they can use is rubbish....
hell they can even give Constantine another shot and cast an actual British actor this time.
Even a power girl film since they show no interest in superman.
regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 8:32 AM

The thing is....a Harley Quinn movie costs a lot less to make than a Superman movie.

BOP flopped so I really doubt she will lead another DC film.

I also don’t think WB wants to rush a Superman film. Think they’re waiting for the right filmmaker for the job.

It sounded like they met with quite a few directors a while ago including McQuarrie and Vaughn. McQuarrie I can see being busy with MI to focus on Superman. Vaughn I can see having a pretty out there take on the character.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/11/2020, 8:43 AM
@regularmovieguy - i would love to see Vaughn's vision with Superman. that makes sense what you say about budget, it's just so discouraging :/
regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 9:19 AM

For real. I’d love a good Superman movie.

Haven’t seen one in theaters yet haha didn’t like Superman Returns and MOS is fine imo but I didn’t love that either.

Gotta keep our fingers crossed 🤞🏻
knocturnalzen10 - 6/11/2020, 9:23 AM
@regularmovieguy - MOS did an amazing job in exampling why Clark's special but lacked in other area's towards the end. definitely need fingers crossed for a better Superman film.
regularmovieguy - 6/11/2020, 12:37 PM

Agreed. Honestly I loved the idea behind MOS.

Everyone thinks he should be sunshine and rainbows, but a conflicted Superman movie could be pulled off.

The trailers for the movie are some of my favorite, ever. They’re incredible.

The movie I had some issues with the writing and the editing...and the destruction porn at the end. But the very end where Clark gets the Daily Planet gig was a great ending.

I wanted more of that in the sequel.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/12/2020, 6:25 AM
@regularmovieguy - exactly someone hopefully and stern root in what he is... MAN OF STEEL means clark's will and resolve, it had nothing to do with his powers.
Ha1frican - 6/11/2020, 8:35 AM
For the love of god just make Gotham City Sirens. Hell Birds of Prey could have and should have been that. If you swap Huntress with Poison Ivy wanting revenge against the mob for using her research for something like more potent drugs and “killing” her, make Black Canary Catwoman trying to track down the Bertinelli Diamond by infiltrating the mob and tracking it from the inside, and then made Black Mask Alberto Falcone since they made him a crazy man child who doesn’t wear the mask and dies anyway. Harley doesn’t really work on her own but since they’ve definitively split her from the Joker and hinted at her being bisexual I think the next place you go with her is exploring her relationship with Poison Ivy.
WakandanQueen - 6/11/2020, 8:47 AM
I enjoyed BoP but they are not making more Harley films before The Suicide Squad is a proven hit
itzayaboy - 6/11/2020, 8:55 AM
We just got a Harley Quinn solo movie with cameos from the Birds of Prey. Give us Batman and Superman. That’s what we want. If you want to include Harley in the Batman sequel, knock yourselves out. I liked BOP but I really wish they would have addressed what Batman was doing. It just didn’t seem right that he never showed.
r1g0r - 6/11/2020, 8:58 AM
i think that they (warner brothers) should get josh to do the movie.

all of it.
writing (9 guaranteed sequels)
producing (yeah, put your $$$ where your mouth is)
2nd unit / effects filming
anything else they can think of

then, maybe he'll STFU about $#!T he doesn't know anything about.
jarcastanon - 6/11/2020, 9:45 AM
They should introduce Matt Reeves's Joker in the next Harley movie, maybe throw in a little Battinson. Nobody expects any continuity in the DCEU anymore, so...
Moriakum - 6/11/2020, 10:32 AM
HARLEY QUINN: 10 Steps Warner Bros. Should Follow To Make The Perfect Sol...

MrDandy - 6/11/2020, 12:02 PM
Step one: please resist the urge
Baf - 6/11/2020, 12:12 PM
Forget Flashpoint! The DCEU can all be connected from the perspective of the deranged mind of Harley Quinn. Kinda like Sucker Punch!
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