Lady Gaga Reportedly Turned Down A Lead Role In DC's BIRDS OF PREY Movie

Lady Gaga Reportedly Turned Down A Lead Role In DC's BIRDS OF PREY Movie Lady Gaga Reportedly Turned Down A Lead Role In DC's BIRDS OF PREY Movie

Lady Gaga may be best known for her singing career but there's a lot of excitement surrounding her performance in Bradley Cooper's A Star Is Born, hence why Warner Bros. tried to get her to play this hero!

By JoshWilding - Aug 10, 2018 01:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Birds of Prey
It's thought that work on Birds of Prey will begin as soon as next January and that means Warner Bros. will have to start putting the cast together in the next few months. Margot Robbie is obviously attached to play Harley Quinn but other roles which need to be filled include Black Canary, Huntress, Cassandra Cain, Renee Montoya, and the villainous Black Mask. There have been a lot of rumours as of late about nearly all of those characters but this may very well be the most interesting and exciting one yet. 

singer turned actress Lady Gaga was offered the opportunity to play either Huntress or Black Canary a number of months ago but she actually ended up turning down Warner Bros.' offer. 

Why? That we don't know but starring in Suicide Squad didn't do Cara Delevingne much good when she looked to make the leap from modelling to acting and there's a very good chance Gaga wants to stick with more serious roles for the time being.

Do you think she would have been a good fit for Birds of Prey? As always, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. 


Lady Gaga has reportedly turned down Warner Bros.' offer to star in #BirdsOfPrey! Find out which characters she said "no" to at CBM - 🔗 in bio | #HarleyQuinn #BlackCanary #Huntress #DCFilms #DCComics #LadyGaga #MovieNews

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noahthegrand - 8/10/2018, 1:36 AM
She was great in American Horror Story
Omegacron - 8/10/2018, 9:16 AM
@noahthegrand - Well, yeah, but... that's because she's naturally scary.
noahthegrand - 8/10/2018, 1:37 AM
Can’t see her as either of those roles though. I don’t know though, maybe it could have worked.
TomSolo - 8/10/2018, 11:10 AM
@noahthegrand - When I see her in photos like the one above where she has her hair pulled back and the high neckline, I feel she looks quite regal. She might work as Lilandra if the MCU ever do the Shi’ar Empire in a movie.

When I see her in photos like the last one, I start to think that she looks like what the “Real Housewives of New Jersey” women THINK they look like.
TheUnworthyThor - 8/10/2018, 1:44 AM
Dodged a bullet there. But it doesn’t fill one with much confidence if this was any indication of how WB thinks.
dracula - 8/10/2018, 1:44 AM
Krav - 8/10/2018, 1:44 AM
Oh, thank god , she would be horrible at it
Kumkani - 8/10/2018, 1:45 AM
Yeah, I highly doubt that. I don't think she would have been good for either of those roles. Then again, the DCEU's casting has been very hit and miss.

I could have seen her doing a Harley Quinn akin to Margot Robbie's
Krav - 8/10/2018, 5:25 AM
@BlindWedjat - what casting didn't you like ?
Oberlin4Prez - 8/10/2018, 1:46 AM
Yeah, I don't think she's either of those characters. She needs something more dramatic like a poison ivy. She doesn't strike me as a physical actress.
PicolasCage - 8/10/2018, 3:51 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - she’s not. She has a lot of physical ailments apparently, so a role with this much gym training might be excruciating for her
Doomsday8888 - 8/10/2018, 1:46 AM
Bullshit, i don't believe it.
Either way, i don't want her as either Black Canary or Dazzler. :3
connorblaze - 8/10/2018, 1:48 AM

I don’t get what people see in this woman. Her music is crap, her singing sounds like every other pop shitstick on the top100, and she was as exciting as a doctor’s office waiting room in AHS.
TheUnworthyThor - 8/10/2018, 1:51 AM
@connorblaze - I’m going to go out on a limb and say that what people see in her is that they don’t think her music is crap
Repian - 8/10/2018, 1:54 AM
I can only imagine Lady Gaga playing Magpie.
MUTO123 - 8/10/2018, 1:57 AM
Off-topic: Ant-Man and the Wasp spoiler special with Peyton Reed.
Nebula - 8/10/2018, 2:04 AM

Still not a good sign that she was even offered the role.
Ronan3Accuser - 8/10/2018, 2:17 AM
Darlene1974 - 8/10/2018, 2:21 AM
She's a FANTASTIC actress!
Won a Golden Globe I think, for her dramatic performance in American Horror Story!
She's also a very talented musician, songwriter and has an amazing voice! And very caring towards her fans all over the world! She's one of the few artists that's willing to travel half across the world just to do a small one-night-only gig, simply cos she had to cancel the big tour, this was few years ago.
She would've been a perfect Black Canary and Dazzler too...
U bloody nerds here that just brush her off, don't even know jack shit about her and the background where she comes from with her all-round talent!
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