Giancarlo Esposito Joins CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD As A [SPOILER] - Truth About Reshoots Revealed

Giancarlo Esposito Joins CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD As A [SPOILER] - Truth About Reshoots Revealed

CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD Scene Description From Filming Permit Reveals Sam Wilson Will Fight [SPOILER]
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CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD Scene Description From Filming Permit Reveals Sam Wilson Will Fight [SPOILER]

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Urubrodi - 1/1/2024, 7:30 AM
Can't see how Sam has any chance against Red Hulk, I guess he will be having help.
HulkisHoly - 1/1/2024, 10:37 AM
@Urubrodi -

Yeah, a human with a jet pack ain’t exactly equal to a Hulk.
SonOfAGif - 1/1/2024, 12:21 PM
@Urubrodi - That's why I believe that She-Hulk is the secret cameo. That gives more credibility to the new Avengers roster led by Sam if she helps him.
Mercwitham0uth - 1/1/2024, 3:15 PM
@Urubrodi - Plot armor
Vigor - 1/1/2024, 3:45 PM
@SonOfAGif - it's about time we start assembling a new team. So I would really welcome she hulk showing up to the fight, the way spidey did when obsidian and maw showed up to NYC
LeDiableBlanc - 1/1/2024, 4:37 PM
@SonOfAGif - I would expect hulk, or maybe both.
WhateverItTakes - 1/1/2024, 7:28 PM
@Urubrodi - colour conquers sll
tmp3 - 1/1/2024, 7:52 AM
Will this even be in the movie considering how much they plan to reshoot? Why do they keep sinking money into an obvious bomb like this? Feige cooked? Guess we’ll find out in this brand new year!
Origame - 1/1/2024, 8:52 AM
@tmp3 - feige: "the mcu is an indestructible vessel. It can't sink"

Twenty23Three - 1/1/2024, 10:38 AM
@tmp3 - they are just getting rid of the Zionist propaganda. Which they shouldn’t have had from the beginning but the whole genocide hasn’t helped
tmp3 - 1/1/2024, 10:57 AM
@Twenty23Three - The fact that Malcolm Spellman ever thought this was a good idea kind of confirms this is headed for a disaster.
Ryguy88 - 1/1/2024, 1:08 PM
@Twenty23Three - what Zionist propaganda?
Twenty23Three - 1/1/2024, 5:03 PM
@Ryguy88 - one of the characters they wanted in the movie was an Israeli superhero
Ryguy88 - 1/1/2024, 8:22 PM
@Twenty23Three - ....and how is that propaganda?
CaptainMexico - 1/1/2024, 10:06 PM
@Twenty23Three - “Zionist Propaganda” congrats, now everyone on this site knows you have a severe learning disability.
Twenty23Three - 1/2/2024, 6:53 AM
@Ryguy88 - the character is seen as incredibly problematic and has often been depicted in a manner than shows Arabs and Palestinians as villains.
Twenty23Three - 1/2/2024, 6:53 AM
@CaptainMexico - cool story bro ✌️
Ryguy88 - 1/2/2024, 8:05 AM
@Twenty23Three - sometimes they are villains. Like they were on October 6th. Or when they run their terrorist bases under hospitals and schools and use women and children as human shields.
CaptainMexico - 1/2/2024, 12:11 PM
@Twenty23Three - that’s because they are mostly evil doers.
UniqNo - 1/1/2024, 8:21 AM
I like that were getting more hulk centric characters in the MCU, but i'm not so keen that it's being shoved in a Falcon America movie....Universal and Disney need to talk more.
Sabre81 - 1/1/2024, 8:50 AM
@UniqNo - Do they have to? Thought the distribution rights went back to Marvel in June 2023 as it was 15 years since the release of The Incredible Hulk.
UniqNo - 1/1/2024, 9:01 AM
@Sabre81 - Possibly...and CA: BNW will probably lead to that new hulk movie we've been getting rumours on.

I just think having A black captain america go up against red hulk president (as i believe Ross is president now) is begging the wrong kind of political critism with thr climate the way it is now....i wonder if this is another reason thry delayed until after the next election?
Sabre81 - 1/1/2024, 9:29 AM
@UniqNo - Yeah, it's all with Disney/Marvel now in regards to Hulk I believe. It was a far (more shittier!) different case with Spidey as that was character rights and Universal just had distribution rights. It was disappointing that, like you said, Disney and Universal didn't talk more over the years to get more solo Hulk movies...but that's because the Mouse is a bitch.

Ever hear about AoU in Germany?? Disney were wanting 55% of the Box Office, something like 10% higher than usual, so 300 cinemas ended up boycotting it. NWH alsmot never got made as Alan Horn at Disney was stomping his feet wanting 50% of the Box Office and Sony weren't having that at all. Luckily Feige talked him down to 25% and Sony agreed.

Not too sure about the delay in relation to the US Elections. Since even Daredevil: Born Again was scrapped back to the drawing board due to unsatisfactory quality I thought the reshoots for CA:BNW were in the same nature and caused the delays.
dragon316 - 1/1/2024, 8:21 AM
Having captain America fight red hulk what chance does he have she hulk , abomination , Spider-Man , had trouble taking him down one on one and on team
HashTagSwagg - 1/1/2024, 8:54 AM
@dragon316 - If he's as underpowered as MCU Hulk Sam Falcon should be fine against him.
Vigor - 1/1/2024, 9:00 AM
@dragon316 - I too am terrified of them punking red hulk. But maybe they are keeping a Bruce banner cameo secret
marvel72 - 1/1/2024, 9:09 AM
The Falcon Vs The Red Hulk... The Falcon would get f*cked up.

WhateverItTakes - 1/1/2024, 9:11 AM
I mean [frick] sake a local hoodlum could take on Captain Falcon
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