BARBIE Star Ryan Gosling Responds To Kevin Feige Endorsing Him For MCU's GHOST RIDER

BARBIE Star Ryan Gosling Responds To Kevin Feige Endorsing Him For MCU's GHOST RIDER

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AlibiBreakfast - 3/8/2013, 3:02 PM
Good-- horrible movies, horrible actor.
marvel72 - 3/8/2013, 3:03 PM
good he was the wrong choice anyway & a crap actor,i only liked him in one movie kick ass.
dracula - 3/8/2013, 3:10 PM
YES YES YES YES now they can reboot and get a good actor
KelvTwelve - 3/8/2013, 3:10 PM
@Rob2814 lol no he's not.
Supes17 - 3/8/2013, 3:12 PM
I feel bad for the guy.
He's passionate about his roles and he seems like a nice guy.

But the movie sucked so much ass.....
marvel72 - 3/8/2013, 3:14 PM
"We made it for, like, $47 or $48 million dollars, and it approached $200 million. I view that as a success."

ghost rider budget $110,000,000 gross $228,783,393

ghost rider spirit of vengeance $57,000,000 gross $132,563,930

get acting lessons & while you are at it you should learn basic math as well.

its sad that these movies made more profit than the green lantern.
ElShumway - 3/8/2013, 3:15 PM
@AlibiBreakfast - Horrible actor?? Really?? Shows how much you know you little piece of shit!!!! How dare you proclaim the great, Oscar nominated (and multiple critic award winning - 33 wins & 40 nominations) actor as horrible?! I demand a public apology!!

Supes17 - 3/8/2013, 3:16 PM
I'm sorry but I think most people would sound just like that if they were trying to give someone instruction while being tied to a chair beaten and buning alive lmao.

But yeah he is know for his overarcting lmao
THRILLHO - 3/8/2013, 3:17 PM
thorhulk77 - 3/8/2013, 3:19 PM

marvel72 - 3/8/2013, 3:19 PM

liked his adam west impression in kick ass,i forgot about raising arizona very good movie.

have you seen this video its funny as f*ck.

HelaGood - 3/8/2013, 3:23 PM
so what exactly is he done with? what did he bring to the part or need to explore in this role that he is now finished doing? finally! REBOOT!!!!!!
Dvantassel23 - 3/8/2013, 3:23 PM
The best news i heard today, total miscast, god awful actor
TheSuperguy - 3/8/2013, 3:24 PM
If they do do a third film, they should do a reboot with Dan Ketch.
AC1 - 3/8/2013, 3:25 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.... wait a minute....

Nick Cage played Ghost Rider?!

I thought he was just playing himself again!
TerminalVoyd - 3/8/2013, 3:27 PM
After Ghost Rider (and particularly after the Wicker Man remake), Columbia was ready to push ahead on a Ghost Rider reboot without Cage, going so far as to post a rough outline that made the rounds on sites like SHH. I think they might even have dusted off David Goyer's initial Ghost Rider script.

Then Cage got "interesting" in Hollywood again after Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and Columbia found themselves playing "Beat the Clock" with signing Cage up again before they lost their production window and the rights had to revert to Marvel. As National Treasure 3 never happened to get in the way of Cage coming back, the rest is history.

In the end, this may or may not mean Ghost Rider goes back to Marvel. They may try plan B now that they kind of don't have an option. Or Cage could change his mind. Either way, fingers crossed.

RextheKing - 3/8/2013, 3:27 PM
I liked the films visually, but yeah the stories weren't the best. When I'm bored I can enjoy them though, as long as I don't nitpick through out.
Nicolas has a narrow range of characters he can play. Big Daddy is one of his best characters. Scratch that, Big daddy is his best character.
UltimateTypeface - 3/8/2013, 3:29 PM
A female Ghost rider!!!

Geez - maybe they should try making a decent Midnight sons movie first.

Cage is a fine actor - he is too comedic to play a motorcycle riding demon.
SaxoWolf - 3/8/2013, 3:30 PM

AC1 - 3/8/2013, 3:31 PM
@LEVITIKUZ oh, I don't know, someone who still tries? Someone who hasn't, for the most part, sold out? Just look at him in his movies. He doesn't care anymore. He's only in it for the money now.

Besides, the Academy Awards aren't always right. I mean, in '76, Rocky won Best Picture... against Taxi Driver... yet I think almost everybody who's seen both films would say Taxi Driver is by far the better movie.
Luigi - 3/8/2013, 3:33 PM
Sony ruined Ghost Rider on film, nobody would see a third even if it was good, which it wouldn't be because they have no idea how to treat an adult character. Only way I can think of redeeming him would be in a ensemble piece (sort of like how they "redeemed" Hulk)
AC1 - 3/8/2013, 3:34 PM
Kick-Ass is literally the only thing I've ever liked Nick Cage in - and I actually think he's great in it. I think his decision to do a bad Adam West impression when he was in the Big Daddy costume was incredibly clever. So the guy can be good. But ever since he ended up in all that debt, he's started just doing pretty much whatever role payed the most and just phoning in his performances.
GUNGRAVE1 - 3/8/2013, 3:35 PM
Make a new ghostrider movie reboot.
NoJobBOB - 3/8/2013, 3:36 PM
I dont know man. I used to like Nic Cage but now that I think about it, he's never really done anything that was good.

masterhater - 3/8/2013, 3:37 PM
The second ghost rider was awesome. I don't care what anyone says, the flames, smoke and melting outfit made the movie.
Spideyguy94 - 3/8/2013, 3:37 PM
In other news scientists have discovered that water is wet
Soze - 3/8/2013, 3:38 PM
He's good in Wild at Heart. Adaptation is a fantastic movie and I loved him in Kick Ass. Can't think of much else of his I've liked. Ghost Rider would have sucked no matter who was playing the part in fairness, awful movie. Never bothered watching the sequel. Although I don't understand why marvel72 is upset about Ghost Rider doing better than Green Lantern...that was even worse IMO.
NoJobBOB - 3/8/2013, 3:39 PM
@ACira agreed.

Taxi Driver was the [frick]ing shit.
AnotherSinisterClone - 3/8/2013, 3:41 PM
im pretty sure the world decided that years ago
HumanTorch83 - 3/8/2013, 3:43 PM
KeefNCookies - 3/8/2013, 3:43 PM
There really is a God ^(^o^)^
batpod0718 - 3/8/2013, 3:43 PM
Time to let the franchise rest.
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