SUPERMAN: Nathan Fillion On Why He's Perfectly Suited To Play GREEN LANTERN Guy Gardner

SUPERMAN: Nathan Fillion On Why He's Perfectly Suited To Play GREEN LANTERN Guy Gardner

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dracula - 11/2/2020, 12:36 AM
Wording of the article title could be better, reading it makes it sound like they are actually looking for a half alien
tmp3 - 11/2/2020, 12:37 AM
Guggenheim writing OC’s... this’ll go over well :)
InfinitePunches - 11/2/2020, 12:58 AM
@tmp3 - Good lord. I suppose if she's from a different planet though, she can't make incessant, cringe-inducing pop culture references.
lemric - 11/2/2020, 3:50 AM
@InfinitePunches - she still can. they just wont be about our pop culture so there is the added layer that we wont get it ;)
patgreyc - 11/2/2020, 4:09 AM
@tmp3 - With the huge number of GLs we have from the comics, this is what they decide to do? Can we please not have CW level drama? It’s gotten stale after all these years.
dracula - 11/2/2020, 12:40 AM
Wonder if we will see the time of the legion of superheroes. I might be wrong but i remember hearing about a newer female green lantern that is at least set in the future, not sure if its legion era or not
globaltravels - 11/2/2020, 12:50 AM
Gonna be tough to find a half alien human hybrid as right now it’s I think just full humans on earth? Could be wrong.
Battabing - 11/2/2020, 8:24 AM
@globaltravels -
See Peter Quill.
InfinitePunches - 11/2/2020, 1:00 AM
So Jess isn't from earth anymore I guess. Kinda like how Marc's version of Connor Hawke isn't Oliver's son.
Battabing - 11/2/2020, 8:25 AM
@InfinitePunches -
Jessica Cruz?
You obviously didn't read the article. 😑
InfinitePunches - 11/2/2020, 10:18 AM
@Battabing - They already announced what characters are in the main cast. And this character is apparently a lead. Either they're changing Jessica's origin or they're gender-bending Kilowog.
Battabing - 11/2/2020, 10:27 AM
@InfinitePunches -
Jessica Cruz is in great show. She's Simon Baz's partner. This new character is Guy Gardner's partner, probably in the 80' or 90's.
Kumkani - 11/2/2020, 1:05 AM
There are half alien actresses out there?
InfinitePunches - 11/2/2020, 1:10 AM
@Kumkani - I don't know about actresses, but there's Benedict Cumberbatch.
ReverseFlasher - 11/2/2020, 1:50 AM
PC-ness has gone too far, theyll never find a half black alien for this role.... /s.
UXASIS - 11/2/2020, 1:53 AM

New Legion suit for Dreamer (from Supergirl)
dracula - 11/2/2020, 2:11 AM
Maybe they should ask Tom Cruise to look out for any talent while he is in space making that movie
Dredd97 - 11/2/2020, 5:10 AM
This is one of the reasons I hated Michael Bay's Transformers movies (one of several). You have this whole [frick]in backlog of characters, literally a whole catalog full and you're going to make a new one? You know better than Neal Adams, Dennis O'Neil, Gerry Conway, Steve Engelhart, etc? I don't think so lol Green Lantern Corps is a property RIPE for translation. Hell, there's so much diversity already built in! John Stewart is a black man, and the best Lantern. You've got Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, hell you've got G'nort! There's someone for everyone. This seems wrong just creating a new character when there are so many to choose from
johnnymarr - 11/2/2020, 7:32 AM
@Dredd97 - Steve Englehart and Joe Staton's run is awesome. Lots of interesting developments during this period. It's a shame that people only acknowledges Johns' GL work these days. It's their loss, I guess.
Dredd97 - 11/2/2020, 4:31 PM
@johnnymarr - Right? Len Wein's run too was solid. There's so many great runs on GL waaaay before Johns
marvel72 - 11/2/2020, 5:57 AM
What a joke, half black half Alien.

You give in and give some political correctness to whatever and they just want more.
Battabing - 11/2/2020, 8:28 AM
@marvel72 - Dude, what are you on?
A black woman who is half human, half alien. So what?
Did you cry when it was white people doing it?
marvel72 - 11/2/2020, 3:13 PM
@Battabing - why don't they just do John Stewart or the one that's in Farsector, can't think of her name.

All those great Green Lanterns we haven't seen they go for this.

Also you shut the [frick] up.

Battabing - 11/2/2020, 7:33 PM
@marvel72 - John Stewart is being saved for the films. Sojourner Mullein is yet another Earth GL. They want this new GL to come from a different perspective, as she was raised out in space.
NathimusPrime - 11/4/2020, 3:52 AM
Why? When you're adapting a property with the absurd amount of characters from different walks of life and origins, why do you need to invent an OC with this specific an origin. My guess budget and plots.

Instead of a new lantern experiencing the core from a human perspective which would require expensive scenes of oa and aliens, we get the alien adjusting to earth motif so the writers can cover modern day politics and themes without having to figure out a way to adapt them to alien cultures. That's my guess and I'll gladly be wrong.
LSHF - 11/8/2020, 1:35 AM
So, where are they going to find a half-human, half-alien actor?
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