IT Star Bill Skarsgård Officially Set To Return As Pennywise For WELCOME TO DERRY

IT Star Bill Skarsgård Officially Set To Return As Pennywise For WELCOME TO DERRY

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Kadara - 9/11/2016, 6:17 AM
You guys covering SN now too? Awesome! The blond chick in 9th pic kinda reminds me of Ivanka Trump; wonder if she's a demon spawn too..
TheDayman - 9/11/2016, 6:30 AM
How is this show still going on? I enjoyed the first five seasons, but I can't believe it hasn't been cancelled yet.
ZEROONE - 9/11/2016, 8:41 AM
@Valdez - I've been wondering that too. Ratings have been going up and that's not normal. Maybe it gets good word of mouth and brings in new fans every season,those fans spread the word and it just keeps going.
TheDayman - 9/11/2016, 9:05 AM
@ZEROONE - Yeah, it's weird. Supernatural definitely has a fanbase, but It seems odd that it's been going on for 11 seasons so far.
TheDayman - 9/11/2016, 9:07 AM
@Valdez - Especially when shows like Firefly were cancelled after one season.
Typhoon20 - 9/11/2016, 6:46 AM
I dont mind shows going on for 10+ seasons but it has to have redeeming qualities. Sadly Supernatural is dragging on. A show should end on a high note. In this case about 6-7 years ago.

Love the actor who plays Dean. Hope to see him in other good stuff.
connorblaze - 9/11/2016, 7:20 AM
This show has been awful since season 5. 6 and 7 were okay, but everything after that feels like the show just morphed into something of the quality level of Charmed. Yet I keep watching so who's the moron... Although the recent episode with god introduced where he's chatting in the bar all episode is probably my favourite of the series. That and the one that takes place entirely in the impala are the only two worth anything since s5.
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