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EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Could Finally Happen Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal With Warner Bros.

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SimplyAz - 10/29/2016, 8:09 AM
A great Sci Fi film and glad to see that it has a good reputation on this site and others like IO9.com
For some reason I am quite vary of a sequel to this movie, because the first one feels so perfect, but if he can take the initial idea and run with it, than that's great.

Would love to see him do something with this sequel that James Cameron did with Aliens and Terminator 2 where he changed the genre of the sequels slightly.

Liman's a good Director and also looking forward to what he does with Justice League Dark.

Below is a making of Featurette for Aliens:

LordHarryLatts - 10/29/2016, 8:13 AM
Sheesh...he thinks quite highly of himself. He's already proclaiming that Dark Universe is going to blow the genre out of the water...and then this would change how sequels are made. Pretty self assured without even shooting a frame of it.
PapaLazarou - 10/29/2016, 3:25 PM
@LordHarryLatts - he cares about his shit and hes excited. Sure it comes off as a bit pretentious but he means well. Just loves the craft and wants to do things differently. I applaud that
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