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EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Could Finally Happen Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal With Warner Bros.

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LOGAN Star Dafne Keen Sets The Record Straight On Possible X-23 Return In DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE

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Kevwebsz - 9/22/2017, 8:14 PM
First movie was great. Can't wait for the sequel.
NoMeaning45 - 9/22/2017, 8:15 PM
Man, now I can understand why Liman ends up dropping out of projects so often.

He seems like such a....difficult dude to work with..
NoMeaning45 - 9/22/2017, 8:16 PM
But anyway, first one was badass
ElJefe - 9/22/2017, 8:18 PM
Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence.

Pete fell off.

Who's left?
Spock0Clock - 9/23/2017, 12:44 AM
@ElJefe -

ElJefe - 9/23/2017, 5:53 AM
@Spock0Clock -

MUTO123 - 9/22/2017, 8:19 PM
Cool. Loved the first one. Hope the sequel turns out well.
MUTO123 - 9/22/2017, 8:19 PM
And American Made looks pretty damn good too.
Forthas - 9/22/2017, 8:20 PM
I thought this movie was overrated!
Supercat6376 - 9/22/2017, 8:35 PM
@Forthas - imlossible.
Forthas - 9/22/2017, 8:50 PM
@Supercat6376 -

No! The aliens looked silly to me...and the constant death scenes had the effect of taking any tension out of some of the scenes.

I am not saying it was a bad film, but it was not as good or even as original (basically a sci-fi Groundhogs Day) as advertised!
MasterMix - 9/22/2017, 8:26 PM
R.I.P. Bill Paxton
Supercat6376 - 9/22/2017, 8:30 PM
This movie holds a special place for me... I don't know why. I saw it 3 times. The last time I was in the theatre alone lol. It's just a good solid sci fi movie. It's well acted. I like the the score and Emily Blunt is a goddess.
UrGFtxtsMe2Much - 9/22/2017, 8:40 PM
Ah yeah, this'll get the juices flowing.

gmoney0505 - 9/22/2017, 8:43 PM
Pretty sure he is not going to say I made a bad script for the sequel and the studio still green lit my movie.
grif - 9/22/2017, 8:47 PM
no more of the groundhog day stuff please. that was fine for the first movie. yes the woman went through it too. but i do not need the same movie twice.

also release a [frick]ing art book for both films.
BloodyBed - 9/22/2017, 8:51 PM
BlackStar25 - 9/22/2017, 9:12 PM
Almost 20 comment in....and no whitewashing remarks...

UrGFtxtsMe2Much - 9/22/2017, 9:37 PM
@BlackStar25 -

Man, I never really understood the mentality of people screaming whitewashing. America is a country with around 77% White (including White Hispanics), 18% Hispanic (All Hispanics), 13% Black and 5% Asian. I would expect for most of the movies/shows to reflect more to those demographics.

Just as with Bollywood portraying Indians and having a lack of Whites, Hispanics and Blacks (given the British history with India, I would expect to see some movies addressing this but not on a continued and overwhelming basis).

I would also expect to see similar movies/shows portraying the majority more than the lower percentages of the minorities in China (like Hollywood and Bollywood).
Luminus - 9/22/2017, 11:49 PM
@SainsburyCider - In what Bollywood movie, specifically, do you see an obvious Indian (not a white man from India) portraying a white American male in a Caucasian cultural setting? Also, show me the Chinese actor doing the same in their country. Don't argue with me, simply post an example. Then explain to me how often this happens.
Kumkani - 9/23/2017, 4:38 AM
@SainsburyCider - This has to be the dumbest excuse I've read. Sorry.
Kumkani - 9/23/2017, 4:38 AM
@Luminus - Thank you. Some people just don't get it
Seejay - 9/24/2017, 6:58 AM
@BlackStar25 - Is the character black in the graphic novel? Or, what are talking about? =/
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