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EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Could Finally Happen Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal With Warner Bros.

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CaptainPete17 - 6/2/2014, 5:51 AM
Going to see this in a couple hours, can't wait!
cimmerian - 6/2/2014, 6:06 AM
I'm definitely gonna watch this!
SuperCat - 6/2/2014, 6:09 AM
I'm going to see this one day!
MightyZeus - 6/2/2014, 6:15 AM
Not hyped about the film but i will watch it soon.
CaptainPete17 - 6/2/2014, 9:43 AM
It was awesome! Also, Emily Blunt is incredible and needs a superhero role!
captainireland - 6/2/2014, 1:50 PM
Believe the hype, this movie is surprisingly awesome and intelligent.

@Petemarvelman I agree. Blunt was the highlight of this. She was great.

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