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TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking "What The F*** Is Going On?" While Shooting First Scene

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Ghostyy - 4/9/2015, 6:07 PM
@LubedUp Thanks for making me spit water on my keyboard.
HubbleFunk - 4/9/2015, 6:12 PM
My screen right now...

ChrispyG - 4/9/2015, 6:23 PM
She has mad baby-face. She looks like a teenager.

Good genetics.
TucksFrom2015 - 4/9/2015, 6:30 PM
Not excited for this film. in any way. whatsoever.
eleven59 - 4/9/2015, 6:38 PM
Kind of Looks like a young Linda Hamilton... At least in the first pic
JonAwesome - 4/9/2015, 6:50 PM
I'd pee in her butt!
Kyos - 4/9/2015, 7:09 PM
She does look "young Sarah Connor"-ish here. :)
sameoldthing - 4/9/2015, 8:08 PM
She's very pretty. Does sorta resemble a young Linda Hamilton.
Emilia will need to hit the gym to really get that T2 Linda body.
Linda never got enough credit for looking / being badass in T2.
beto - 4/9/2015, 8:10 PM
She does look like young Linda Hamilton there
MisterHolmes - 4/9/2015, 8:35 PM
she is perfectly casted as a young sarah connor, looks, acting ability. to bad that Die Hard [frick] is in this movie. his casting is the exact opposite and it actually hurts me how they didnt even try to get someone who looked like kyle reese?!

I mean what the hell?! get him back!
tylerzero - 4/10/2015, 3:24 AM
@MisterHolmes Don't you mean "someone who looked like 'Michael Biehn' (like Anton Yelchin did)?"
Timerider84 - 4/10/2015, 3:29 AM
I would have casted Aaron Paul instead, he closely resembles Michael Biehn in some pictures.
Timerider84 - 4/10/2015, 3:33 AM

Here's a good one of him that reminds me of Kyle Reese from the 1st film.
SimplyAz - 4/10/2015, 4:13 AM
Quietly optimistic for this film but at the same time a bit apprehensive. They should have gone with Garret Hedlund for Kyle Reese, or maybe Boyd Holbrook who also auditioned.
Remember Kyle being lean and scarred from the first film.
Unfortunately Jai courtney is too muscular for someone from a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink, and people were eating rats to survive.

Reminds me of Salvation where all the women were wearing make up and everyone's clothes were too nice, unlike T1 and T2.
Ultimates - 4/10/2015, 7:29 AM
She's hot tho
MisterHolmes - 4/10/2015, 9:29 AM
@tylerzero yea, but i couldnt remember his name and i didnt feel like googling. im stubborn
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