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Margot Robbie Eyeing Lead Role In Olivia Wilde's AVENGELYNE Adaptation; POOR THINGS Scribe To Pen Script

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Timerider84 - 9/21/2021, 9:41 AM
More DC news coming next month October 16th.
Origame - 9/21/2021, 9:44 AM
So for reference, you put the Shazam scene dead last for being unimportant and unfunny, yet put the flash vs superman race as number one despite such a concept also being unimportant to future stories and the only humor coming from the return of the brunch joke.
heyy1 - 9/21/2021, 8:36 PM
@Origame - I would say most of the DC credit scenes are pointless, except maybe the me. Mind one. Tbf DC making credit scenes seems like an obligation because marvel always does them
McMurdo - 9/21/2021, 9:52 AM
Gunn’s TSS just ends far better, with far better character moments than any DC film thus far outside maybe TDK. He managed to not only give Peacemaker and Flagg a great dramatic moment that feeds us into both their psyche’s, but then follows it up with a killer fight scene, gives us the resolution we deserved for the relationship Ratcatcher and Bloodsport develop throughout the film. The third act tied the entire theme of the film together in that even the worst of us out there can turn it around on any given day and do something positive. HE EVEN MADE STARRO SYMPATHETIC?!?! Minor miracle right there. Honestly it’s the third act of the film that puts it above Shang Chi for me mostly because I personally, and this is solely my opinion, I didn’t see any real connection between the Mandarin and his son. He was always a huge dick who somehow managed to marry someone who was the opposite, and he died a dick too. Soul Sucker stuff didn’t need to be a part of the film it shoulda been a dramatic and physical resolution between father and son and find a way to give Xialing the resolution she deserved in that film. I still love it for the Great Protector😊 but I didn’t care for anything but the visual feast regarding the final act of that film.
99OPTIMISTPRIME - 9/21/2021, 9:53 AM

Ayer did a great job with the Batman & Waller relationship. It's made clear that Waller sees Batman as an asset.
heyy1 - 9/21/2021, 8:36 PM
@99OPTIMISTPRIME - was it hinted that she knew his secret?
OmegaDaGrodd - 9/21/2021, 9:56 AM
WB has done a bad job at a lot of things surrounding these DCEU movies, but I'm probably most perplexed at how consistently bad the post credit scenes are. You'd think the one part of the movie you have more time to plan out and tack on with no complex plot implications would work well but these are always so awkward and aimless. Their only really good ones are ones just for fun (Batman/Waller, WW84, the race) or ones that we know are going nowhere but the movies don't (Lex boat)

It's not like all of Marvel's are stellar, but it's just such an easy difference maker when you already know what movie's you're going to make or stories you're going to tell. Even one's like Captain Marvel which aren't telling you information you don't already know work great because they're so confident they're teasing something you want to see (Thanos getting his own asshole fed to him)
McMurdo - 9/21/2021, 10:04 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - ya you can always tell their is a well laid out plan with the MCU stingers. They essentially own the market in that regard so as it should be.
ThorArms - 9/21/2021, 10:18 AM
They're all bad
ModHaterSLADE - 9/21/2021, 10:19 AM
Bruce meeting Amanda would've been a nice setup for a Justice League vs. Suicide Squad flick. With that being said, the Flash vs. Superman race was a nice moment of levity considering how dark JL got at times.
nibs - 9/21/2021, 10:45 AM
i dont remember what she said but i remember laughing hysterically at that ww84 post-credits scene because it was so bad
TexasAvenger - 9/21/2021, 10:50 AM
Majority of these really suck. I thought the Peacemaker one was dumb because he got shot in the god damn neck and then a whole building collapsed on him. That man should be 6 feet under.
SummersEssex - 9/21/2021, 11:49 AM
Your rankings suck donkey balls.
marvel72 - 9/21/2021, 1:58 PM
I liked the end credits scene of Justice League both versions.
GarthRanzz - 9/21/2021, 8:16 PM
Interesting rankings. Bruce and Amanda is my favorite of any film verse (The Wolverine being my second favorite).
lordSTALE - 9/21/2021, 8:18 PM
Man, this whole franchise is a directionless mess 🤦🏽‍♂️
lordSTALE - 9/21/2021, 8:20 PM
Gotta love the Waller/Wayne one. Apparently, Lex didn't do enough of the detective work for Bruce and he needed more answers literally handed to him 🙄😂
heyy1 - 9/21/2021, 8:39 PM
@lordSTALE - I like how 60% of the set-up credit scenes weren't fulfilled, just what a credit scene should do
BritishMonkey - 9/22/2021, 5:06 PM
WW84 and Weasel lives end credits are the best. I was happy to see Weasel survived.
And Lynda Carter's appearance I thought right as the credits started "Wouldn't it be neat if Lynda Carter was Aesteria?" And then that happened lol my jaw dropped.
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