Margot Robbie Eyeing Lead Role In Olivia Wilde's AVENGELYNE Adaptation; POOR THINGS Scribe To Pen Script

Margot Robbie Eyeing Lead Role In Olivia Wilde's AVENGELYNE Adaptation; POOR THINGS Scribe To Pen Script

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Demigods - 10/19/2021, 7:10 AM
It wouldn't have saved that shit terrible movie. I don't know what anyone was thinking, because that was just as bad as the
first one.

Also, first.
Twenty23Three - 10/19/2021, 7:17 AM
@Demigods - Must have seen a totally different film from everyone else then
dragon316 - 10/19/2021, 8:52 AM
@Demigods - I liked them both
solskulldeath - 10/19/2021, 9:50 AM
@Demigods - what are you talking about? the second suicide squad is not a shit movie. most people like it, including me, my brother, friends and even some of my acquaintance
Benjamitesandwich - 10/19/2021, 10:09 AM
@Demigods - It was miles better than the first one.
Arthorious - 10/19/2021, 11:19 AM
@Demigods - while it didn’t make a ton of money, a lot of reviews would disagree with this opinion of yours (rotten tomatoes)
Demigods - 10/26/2021, 11:46 AM
@solskulldeath - I don't personally know a single person who liked it... at all.
Demigods - 10/26/2021, 11:46 AM
@Benjamitesandwich - Meh. I don't think so.
Demigods - 10/26/2021, 11:48 AM
@Arthorious - Rotten Tomatoes is shit as well. I can almost judge how much I'll like a movie by judging it against Rotten Tomatoes. I mean, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Seriously, I mean it. Good to disagree. I guess I'm just not in the loop.
Demigods - 10/26/2021, 11:51 AM
@dragon316 - I'm legit not being sarcastic when I say, good stuff. I'm glad you liked it. It's cool that they made a movie that seemed to resonate with apparently more people than I realized. I thought it was pretty awful.

The jokes didn't land with me. The action didn't really land with me. It was okay at best IMO.

Like nothing blew me away in any way at all. It wasn't that fun of a movie, wasn't funny, the action wasn't crazy good.... it was just "meh" in every way to me.

The acting was pretty good, but you've got Idris Elba and Margot Robbie leading the way, so it's kinda hard to get that all wrong.

Maybe I was looking for something else. I dunno. Not for me.
Arthorious - 10/26/2021, 8:03 PM
@Demigods - it’s all good. We wouldn’t have sound opinions if we all agreed all the time and gives perspective on what others are thinking.
solskulldeath - 10/27/2021, 12:45 AM
@Demigods - because any single person you know is a douchbag and knows nothing about suicide squad.
Demigods - 10/27/2021, 9:02 AM
@solskulldeath - haha sure thing, keyboard tough guy. I read the comics before DC turned to crap on their 25th retcon. Pretty religiously, actually. I know suicide squad. I just didn't like the movie. And I don't know a single person who did.
Pretty sure that doesn't make everyone I know a douchbag... but it certainly highlights the fact that you are indeed a douchbag for throwing that much shade to someone because they didn't like a movie. calm down dude. It's a movie. I didn't like it. I don't know anyone who liked it. You did. good for you. Seriously.

I like a LOT of movies that a lot of people don't like, so it's probably a taste thing. I thought this movie had a much worse approval among the general public than I had initially thought. Apparently, I was wrong about how many people liked it. That's okay. It's cool and good to be proven wrong. It's not cool to call people douche bag because they didn't like a movie.
Demigods - 10/27/2021, 9:05 AM
@solskulldeath - I mistyped in that last paragraph.
I was apparently wrong about this movie's approval rating among the general population. I thought it was received much more poorly than it had actually been. I know the reviewers liked it, but that is not necessarily indicative of the feelings of the general population.
solskulldeath - 10/27/2021, 10:35 PM
@Demigods - I wish u can draw whatever u said.your words are too long to read.
Demigods - 10/28/2021, 8:37 PM
@solskulldeath - English must be your second language. I said "chill. its a movie. good that you liked it. I did not. Doesn't make me or anyone else a douchebag, and the fact that you said so, kind of indicates that you are, in fact, a douchebag."

So, if I were to draw it, I guess it would look like this:
TheWalkingCuban - 10/19/2021, 7:11 AM
R rating averted? Nah it was all on that level. Guess he just didn’t like it
KWilly - 10/19/2021, 7:20 AM
If it was too dark for James Gunn, then you know we dodged a bullet
generictheeric - 10/19/2021, 7:52 AM
@KWilly - Amanda Waller literally dodged a bullet.
abd00bie - 10/19/2021, 8:02 AM
@generictheeric - she got a golf club to the head lmao
HeavyMetal4Life - 10/19/2021, 7:20 AM
Glad they didn't go with that ending (I'd have been fine with Bloodsport shooting Waller though).
connorblaze - 10/19/2021, 7:29 AM
I love a really dark revenge fuelled ending, but this would have been too heartbreaking. She was so sweet. And bloodsport and harley as the survivors wouldnt have felt like much of a win because neither of that were as likeable as her. Made the right call.

Man I loved this movie. Washed the foul taste of the first one right away.
Mrcool210 - 10/19/2021, 7:52 AM
That ending probably wouldn't have hit for me so im glad they changed it. As it is I honestly didn't feel the father daughter connection between rat catcher and peace maker. I know it was supposed to be there but I just didn't feel much of a connection with any of the characters personally.
I'm really hoping peace maker is more my speed cause I'm still really upset I couldn't get into the Suicide Squad
demonizer84 - 10/19/2021, 8:15 AM
how about an ending where they dont kill the best character in it , flag, movie was better than the first attempt, which tbf doesnt take much. but thats about it.
bobevanz - 10/19/2021, 9:22 AM
I think I got way too hyped for this movie, only for it to be good. I still like it though
BecauseICare - 10/19/2021, 9:24 AM
I think having Flagg AND Ratcatcher die in the same movie would have been - wait for it! - overkill.

OrgasmicPotatoe - 10/19/2021, 9:49 AM
I feel like it would've been too dark, yeah.

But that would have been a nice switch of dynamics. Having Waller be scared for her life might make her change her strategy.
ymk700 - 10/19/2021, 9:58 AM
Glad they didn't go that route. Movie was perfect as is.
PC04 - 10/19/2021, 10:23 AM
This movie was so fun and interesting.
elcamino - 10/19/2021, 11:57 AM
Daniela Melchior is hot.
Kyos - 10/19/2021, 12:09 PM
Good choice. Likely made the difference between TSS becoming one of my favourite contemporary DC movies and it being one I liked weil enough, but probably won't rewatch.
ANewPope - 10/19/2021, 12:43 PM
Daniela looking at Gunn & telling him he's taking it too far
RitoRevolto - 10/19/2021, 5:05 PM
I'm glad he decided to dial it back because yikes. I really enjoyed Ratcatcher II.
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