THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER TV Spot Released; New Still Takes The Mighty Thor To Gorr's Shadow World

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER TV Spot Released; New Still Takes The Mighty Thor To Gorr's Shadow World THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER TV Spot Released; New Still Takes The Mighty Thor To Gorr's Shadow World

Marvel Studios has released an action-packed new TV spot for Thor: Love and Thunder, along with a still showing the God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) and The Mighty Thor (Natalie Portman) in a grim setting.

By JoshWilding - Jun 27, 2022 05:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor: Love and Thunder

Marvel Studios has released a new TV spot for Thor: Love and Thunder that teases the electrifying action fans can expect from the next Marvel Studios movie.

With that new footage comes a great shot of the God of Thunder and Jane Foster's Mighty Thor in a realm previously referred to as Gorr the God Butcher's "Shadow World" in various sneak peeks. 

During a recent interview with Total Film, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige revealed the one thing they had to do in order to help Natalie Portman go from scientist to superhero. "The only thing we assisted with was making the Mighty Thor a little bit taller. That was the only movie magic we used. Everything else was all her."

Portman elaborated on that in a conversation with Variety, explaining that she was given a ramp to walk on for that extra height. "We’d rehearse the scene, they’d see the path, and then they’d build a path that was like one foot off the ground or whatever, and I would just walk on that."

Excitement for the Thor: Ragnarok sequel has only increased in recent days, especially after some glowing social media reactions from critics. It's always best to take those with a pinch of salt, but the general consensus does appear to be that the blockbuster will be every bit as action-packed, heartfelt, and wacky as its predecessor. 

Take a look at this new Thor: Love and Thunder TV spot and still below:


The movie finds Thor (Chris Hemsworth) on a journey unlike anything he’s ever faced – a quest for inner peace. But his retirement is interrupted by a galactic killer known as Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale), who seeks the extinction of the gods. To combat the threat, Thor enlists the help of King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), Korg (Taika Waititi) and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who – to Thor’s surprise – inexplicably wields his magical hammer, Mjolnir, as the Mighty Thor.

Together, they embark upon a harrowing cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher’s vengeance and stop him before it’s too late.

Directed by Taika Waititi, the movie stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Russell Crowe, Jaimie Alexander, Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan, and Sean Gunn among others.

Thor: Love and Thunder is set to be released in theaters on July 8, 2022.

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Spock0Clock - 6/27/2022, 5:34 AM
How to write an article about Thor: Love and Thunder
(A Play in Three Parts)

Spock0Clock - 6/27/2022, 5:36 AM
(And I'm not even complaining. Josh knows where his bread is buttered, and I'm just jazzed to see how well Jane Foster came out. Doing Aaron's Mighty Thor is a big swing visually that could have failed miserably. It really came down to Portman and the design team to sell it, and they just nailed it.)
pitbull76 - 6/27/2022, 5:36 AM
Can not wait to see this new Marilyn Manson bio pic.
VictorAlonzo - 6/27/2022, 8:14 AM
Gorr be like:

DeaconFrostBite - 6/27/2022, 1:04 PM
I wonder if this is actually about Jane and Valkyrie falling in love…
VictorAlonzo - 6/27/2022, 6:11 PM
@DeaconFrostBite -
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