THE BOYS: Starlight Faces The Harsh Reality Of Being A Young Female Hero In New Promo For The Amazon Series

THE BOYS: Starlight Faces The Harsh Reality Of Being A Young Female Hero In New Promo For The Amazon Series THE BOYS: Starlight Faces The Harsh Reality Of Being A Young Female Hero In New Promo For The Amazon Series

The latest promo for Amazon's The Boys puts the focus on Starlight, the newest member of The Seven, as she discovers that life on the superhero team isn't nearly as glamorous as she thought it would be.

By VHernandez - Jun 24, 2019 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: The Boys
Much like the comic book series from Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, Amazon’s The Boys will present a harsh and unforgiving world where Earth's greatest heroes have embraced their darker side.

While the marketing for the upcoming series has largely shown us this world through the perspective of the vigilante group known as The Boys, a new promo for the show lets us see things through the eyes of the rookie superhero Starlight (Erin Moriarty).

In the intriguing new teaser, we see follow the idealistic Annie January as she is chosen to join The Seven, an obvious pastiche of DC Comics’ Justice League. However, after she is told to sport a more revealing costume, she begins to realize that life on the world’s premier superhero team isn't easy for a young female hero.

Check out the latest promo for The Boys below:

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tmp3 - 6/24/2019, 12:10 PM
All the trailers for this look pretty fun, but we'll see how the actual show fares.
Patrick H Willems made this point, but it's pretty interesting how TV seems to be leaning all-in on deconstructing super heroes between the shortly-lived Tick show, The Boys & HBO's Watchmen all being out this year.
knocturnalzen10 - 6/24/2019, 12:28 PM
@tmp3 - that's well in good i guess but they shouldn't follow the full Moore rabbit hole of deconstruction ..... things can get pretty strange .
nikgrid - 6/24/2019, 12:50 PM
@knocturnalzen10 - Hey buddy just a heads's "All well AND good" :)
knocturnalzen10 - 6/24/2019, 12:58 PM
@nikgrid - touche' -_-
Spock0Clock - 6/25/2019, 12:02 AM
@tmp3 - Calling the Tick a deconstruction is pretty charitable.

I love Peter Serafinowicz and will always tolerate another Ben Edlund riff on his material, but the show veered between spoof and straight way too wildly to have any kind of discernible intent.
Reeds2Much - 6/24/2019, 12:35 PM
The only real reason I'll watch a show based on something Ennis wrote is to see if the production has the balls to actually go through with his Edgelordiness. Preacher has been pretty watered down, and no chance in hell anything Crossed ever gets made.
Deagle - 6/24/2019, 12:40 PM
@Reeds2Much - BJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJ Did I miss any?
Kevwebsz - 6/24/2019, 12:43 PM
@Reeds2Much - Crossed fully realized in live action would be a monstrous hit.
Spock0Clock - 6/24/2019, 11:52 PM
@Reeds2Much - This show caught my eye because of two things:

Antony Starr and Dominique McElligott. They've been floating around the periphery of my fancasts for a while now, but nothing quite popped. I'm curious to see what they can do in the genre (even if it's part of a series that I may not ultimately like).
Battabing - 6/24/2019, 12:50 PM
Some #MeToo stuff happened to this heroine in the comics. I wonder if the show will go there in this new environment.
TheCoonII - 6/24/2019, 1:25 PM
There’s not going to be any nudity in this is there
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