INHUMANS: New Details Revealed About Why Kevin Feige Scrapped The Movie And TV Show's Failure

INHUMANS: New Details Revealed About Why Kevin Feige Scrapped The Movie And TV Show's Failure

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Deonox - 6/27/2017, 8:04 AM
@PriyankaLover - You know what. You were right about the over hate on this site...
ODanil - 6/27/2017, 8:05 AM
I tend to agree with all of that except Watchmen.

Watchmen could work. I don't know if you can tell but I like Watchmen.
Doomsday8888 - 6/27/2017, 8:13 AM
@ODanil -
Lost, Leftovers, nuff said.
No guarantee here whatsoever...
PBIRD - 6/27/2017, 9:07 AM
@ODanil - agreed. Watchmen is on hbo... nothing sucks (lately) on hbo
SisterSunday52 - 6/27/2017, 11:23 AM
@ODanil - The absence of Zack Snyder is what concerns me the most.
MrDandy - 6/27/2017, 8:05 AM
People are hating on Inhumans simply because they don't like the costumes??? They aren't even that bad. Have you all SEEN the CW shows?
Mamamartha - 6/27/2017, 8:19 AM
@MrDandy - they both suck. Does that make you feel better?
toylled - 6/27/2017, 8:20 AM
@MrDandy - None of the inhumans had proper costumes in AOS, so I can kinda forgive the lack here.
Polaris - 6/27/2017, 8:06 AM
I liked the C&D trailer :/
parkerray - 6/27/2017, 3:50 PM
@Polaris - I LOVED it. Had the same emotional heft for me as the Logan trailer.
JonTargaryen94 - 6/27/2017, 8:10 AM
fricking hell--- journalistic integrity gone.....

I wonder if the new JL trailer description gets reported on, oh wait it wont, as there's nothing negative to report on it (im not talking about the fake one with black suit supes)
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