JASON BOURNE: Matt Damon Hasn't Seen A Script Yet But Confirms He Hopes To Reprise Role In New Movie

JASON BOURNE: Matt Damon Hasn't Seen A Script Yet But Confirms He Hopes To Reprise Role In New Movie

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Nickk - 7/29/2015, 4:40 PM
lol you could have just said men in black but okay
MrBaridi - 7/29/2015, 4:44 PM
This broke like three days ago.
DrKinsolving - 7/29/2015, 4:52 PM
Is Renner in this?
mgeoff88 - 7/29/2015, 4:59 PM
Very nice! Really excited for Bourne 5!!!

I didn't care for Bourne Legacy that much. Jeremy Renner did a great job, but the story was lacking.
TheBeard - 7/29/2015, 5:03 PM
Tasmaniac - 7/29/2015, 5:03 PM
Cool beans. But FFS Greengrass, keep that [frick]ing shakey cam out of it. I like my Bourne movies when I can actually see what the hell is going on. Yes, I'm looking at you Bourne Supremacy.
Creasy47 - 7/29/2015, 5:05 PM
This is relatively old news.
NeoBaggins - 7/29/2015, 5:28 PM
I know who he plays in the movie. Tommy Lee Jones.
DrKinsolving - 7/29/2015, 5:29 PM

Cool, thanks
darthgeekboy - 7/29/2015, 5:38 PM
where's joan allen?

i liked pamela landy
darthgeekboy - 7/29/2015, 5:45 PM
actually getting sick and tired of the rogue agency within the government storyline which seems to be the prevailing plotlines of all these bourne movies.

i wish they'd change it up a little and have an actual good CIA group recruit bourne into taking down an outside bad group of people for once.
PsychoManiacJacky - 7/29/2015, 5:51 PM
All of these movies are the same crap every time. I don't know who would want to watch someone crap for a fifth time and I don't even know how these movies are popular. Get Michael Bay to direct one and add some Transformers or something to these snooze fests.
DallasAvenger - 7/29/2015, 6:26 PM
Awesome. Still wanting that second Renner movie though.
grif - 7/29/2015, 6:33 PM
awesome. i hope he is playing a actual villain and not just some guy trying to catch bourne.
loki668 - 7/29/2015, 8:55 PM
Somebody is saaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
marvelstudios - 7/29/2015, 9:46 PM
Cool. Bourne movies are always thrilling.
SauronsBANE - 7/29/2015, 10:55 PM
I swore off this franchise after it ended with Ultimatum (PERFECT ending to the trilogy...never even bothered with the Jeremy Renner one), but dammit if they're not trying their hardest to get me back into it.

Matt Damon, Paul Greengrass, Julia Stiles - all returning. And now Tommy [frick]ing Lee Jones? Well played.

NeoBaggins - 7/30/2015, 1:33 AM
Why is there a picture of Mark Walberg up there instead of Matt Damon?
loki668 - 7/30/2015, 3:24 AM

I had to do a [frick]ing double-take after reading your comment!
NeoBaggins - 7/30/2015, 4:43 AM

lol Sire, I had to stared at it a while until I could extract Damon from the image.
HachibiTheMC - 7/30/2015, 8:01 AM
“[we’re gonna] search every outhouse, boathouse, clubhouse, bouncey house and doghouse – every shipyard, backyard, barnyard, and railyard – every bus station, train station, news station, radio station and playstation – within a 5 mile radius”

-TLJ, Professor of Federal Manhunts 101.
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