JASON BOURNE: Matt Damon Hasn't Seen A Script Yet But Confirms He Hopes To Reprise Role In New Movie

JASON BOURNE: Matt Damon Hasn't Seen A Script Yet But Confirms He Hopes To Reprise Role In New Movie

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TheBeard - 6/19/2015, 4:37 PM
Nickk - 6/19/2015, 4:45 PM
@DrDoom same Bourn Legacy was kinda TRASH
A2K - 6/19/2015, 4:48 PM
Mortensen? Hell yes.
GhostDog - 6/19/2015, 4:50 PM
Vikander was amazing in Ex Machina. She would make a very badass villian. Need more lady adversaries
ALegendaryPanda - 6/19/2015, 4:51 PM
Viggo Mortensen as the villain?? Yes please!
DeusExSponge - 6/19/2015, 4:53 PM
I don't know why, but I read Bourne 5 as Bond 5.
Killuminatic - 6/19/2015, 5:00 PM
I'm very excited for this. Ultimatum alluded to some sort of relationship Nicky and Bourne (or should I say Webb), had prior to his amnesia. I would hope that they'll delve directly into this since she's returning. Also, for the love of God, no more shaky-cam fight scenes! Please Mr. Greengrass!
MyNameIsKhan - 6/19/2015, 5:17 PM
Bourne is my favorite spy series along with Mission Impossible; even though Legacy was a disappointment BOURNE 5 will bring the series back to prominence!
TucksFrom2015 - 6/19/2015, 5:18 PM
Viggo was my pick for Doctor Storm in Fantastic Four (if you've seen how the character looks in Ultimate F4 artwork you'd know why, the resemblance is uncanny) Coincidentally, Frank Storm died in a storyarc called 'Ultimatum'

and didn't there used to be this Daniel Tosh cartoon where this dude is obsessed with Viggo Mortensen, and writes fan fiction about him? lol what a loser.
blackandyellow - 6/19/2015, 5:35 PM
If this isn't called "Bourne Again" then this movie can piss off.
defenderofthefaith - 6/19/2015, 5:55 PM
There is a Bourne Legacy sequel with Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz planned. They will be doing it after the Damon movie is done. Eventually Damon and Renner will crossover in the same movie.
DallasAvenger - 6/19/2015, 5:56 PM
That's awesome! I still want that second Bourne Legacy though and that eventual crossover.
mgeoff88 - 6/19/2015, 5:59 PM
Viggo Mortensen as the villian... That would be awesome.
ComicsDoneRight - 6/19/2015, 6:23 PM
Gooood gooooooood
YouDontKnowMe - 6/19/2015, 6:33 PM
Bout time Viggo got some love. Haven't seen him in anything since Lotr except for The Road.
AbhiShake - 6/19/2015, 9:38 PM
I simply love Bourne movies(not the Hawkeye one), one of the best trilogies in movie history.
ShallowDeadpool - 6/19/2015, 9:54 PM
These movies are absolute shit when compared to the books. Basically they took the name, the amnesia, and the CIA connection and tossed everything else. Personally I could care less if this even gets made.
TheGambitFreak - 6/19/2015, 10:15 PM
Julia Stiles is the most butch chick ever next to Kristen Johnson. How she hasn't played a viking yet astonishes me.
BlackIceJoe - 6/19/2015, 10:39 PM
Seeing Viggo in this film would be great. It also is great Julia will be back in this movie. You don't see Julia and Viggo in much anymore, maybe after this you will.
Aeyan - 6/20/2015, 12:59 AM
Some PLEASE kill off Julia Stiles. I she was good in Bourne 1-2. Her role in the third film was pointless.
NateBest - 6/20/2015, 1:44 AM
@VisionaryNPA - It's crapping out sporadically when building the headline cache. It's driving me nuts 😳
bs77 - 6/20/2015, 4:23 AM
The first three books were amazing and the movies really only share namesake. The moviea are entertaining on their own. David Webb was older than Matt Damon in a majority of the books so I have no problem with them continuing to make these as long as they're well written.
EastcoastAvenger - 6/20/2015, 7:43 AM
So, I know this is super cool news (I love the movies) but has a Bourn story ever officially made it into a comic book?
bobbo68 - 6/20/2015, 9:41 AM
Big fan of the Bourne movies looking forward to it hope the news about Viggo is true.
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