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GhostDog - 9/22/2015, 7:48 PM
Hollywood's views on originality:
GhostDog - 9/22/2015, 7:51 PM
Everytime a network or film studio adapts some dead film franchise or old series of books, they says "IT'S A NEW CONTEMPORARY TAKE...." YADA YADA

Can we get something original or a franchise worth adapting and continuing??
SuperCat - 9/22/2015, 7:52 PM
Lhornbk - 9/22/2015, 8:18 PM
I always thought the novels would work better as miniseries than movies. Most of the novels were just too long for that. So, done right, this could work.

One thing I still hope to see is a movie based on "Without Remorse." I know one was in development, but haven't heard anything recently. It would make a great film, and John Clark makes a better action hero than Jack Ryan.
storyteller - 9/22/2015, 8:19 PM
Let me guess, he spends each episode helping out the NYPD solve a crime and has a dark and mysterious past.

There's also this hot partner who he won't have sex with until the 3rd season?
GhostDog - 9/22/2015, 8:37 PM
@storyteller hahahahaha you're psychic

That future sounds about right unfortunately lol
mgeoff88 - 9/22/2015, 9:54 PM
I was interested in this, but after seeing Michael Bay is involved... I'll pass.
marvelstudios - 9/22/2015, 11:04 PM
Sounds interesting, i've always like the Jack Ryan movies.
grif - 9/23/2015, 5:09 AM
what a train wreck of a franchise. the movie flops so its time for a show. lmfao
Matador - 9/23/2015, 5:32 AM
And after ten seasons will just end with a WTF moment.
Bulldawg2014 - 9/23/2015, 5:35 AM
@storyteller I doubt it considering the character from the books has exactly 0 things in common with that description
JorL5150 - 9/23/2015, 5:35 AM
The alec baldwin/harrison ford trilogy was very good.

The affleck ret-con quasi-prequel was only ok as an action movie but makes no sense saddled with the others

The chris pine version was all right.
MercwithMouth - 9/23/2015, 7:02 AM
I would've paid to see a sequel to Shadow Recruit. Pine may not be the best actor on the planet, but he's got the charisma to carry a movie. Just need a better script.
sKeemAn - 9/23/2015, 8:08 AM
Not sure about this one.
blacknumber13 - 9/23/2015, 8:57 AM
Make it a period piece similar to what the Americans is and follow the books and you will have a hit
smithrox2 - 9/23/2015, 4:02 PM
Really liked Shadow Recruit with Cris Pine and Kevin Costner. Looking forward to this show.
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