ETERNALS Star Kumail Nanjiani Reveals New Details About Alternate Post-Credits Scene With Harry Styles' Eros

ETERNALS Star Kumail Nanjiani Reveals New Details About Alternate Post-Credits Scene With Harry Styles' Eros ETERNALS Star Kumail Nanjiani Reveals New Details About Alternate Post-Credits Scene With Harry Styles' Eros

We've heard about an alternate Eternals post-credits scene with Starfox a few times now, and Kingo actor Kumail Nanjiani is the latest cast member to share details on what that would have looked like...

By JoshWilding - Dec 14, 2022 07:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Eternals

Like every Marvel Studios movie and TV show, Eternals went through extensive reshoots in order to get it to a place where it could fit into the wider MCU tapestry. 

We've previously heard a fair bit about alternate endings and post-credits scenes, and Kingo actor Kumail Nanjiani has now shared a few new details about the latter. It sounds like it was set to involve Harry Styles as Eros, with the entire team meeting him instead of just those who weren't kidnapped by Arishem the Judge. 

"[You] show up to work one day, and there’s gorgeous Harry Styles. 'Hey, mate!’' I'm like, 'Hey, what are you doing here, man?' We actually shot a different scene with Harry Styles because the ending now, my character is not in that scene. But we shot a version where I was with him. It was a different sort of post-credit sequence."

"We didn’t...we don’t really - we didn’t really talk," the actor continues. "We just sort of like made eyes at each other from afar. No, it was sort of...I don’t know if I’m allowed to say..."

Nanjiani would go on to reiterate that it was a "completely different" scene, though we're unsure whether this is the one that was supposed to include Anthony Mackie as Captain America! Chances are we'll never find out, but with no word on a sequel, we do wish Marvel Studios hadn't chosen to end Eternals on a cliffhanger! 

Asked about his MCU future, the Kingo actor added: "I genuinely do not know if my character is going to come back at all. I would love to come back and do it. But I genuinely, genuinely, genuinely don’t know. I would love to go back and do it again."

While Eternals didn't receive the warmest of responses from critics, fans remain keen to see more of these characters, though we're beginning to doubt whether it will happen in The Multiverse Saga unless it's near the end of Phase 6.

Eternals is available to watch now on DVD, Blu-ray, 4K, Digital, and Disney+.

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ScaryTerry - 12/14/2022, 7:52 AM
Here’s a pitch:

Taiki Waititi writes and directs the sequel!

Spawnnn - 12/14/2022, 8:22 AM
@ScaryTerry - Taikas Pitch at Marvel Studios just leaked.

Origame - 12/14/2022, 9:14 AM
@ScaryTerry - well bare minimum I won't be bored.
RalphBohner - 12/14/2022, 8:22 AM
Would be a real waste if Kingo didn't come back. He, along with Phastos, were my favorite characters.
slickrickdesigns - 12/14/2022, 8:31 AM
I like his character but he b*chef out in the end fight which made me not like his character so much. Would’ve been cooler to see him contemplating on whether to help or stand by and watch during the climax. Instead they had him disappear from the whole climax.
A bit disappointing, especially since that climax was the best part of the whole movie and pretty much the only part worth rewatching.
ElvenKingSlayer - 12/14/2022, 9:14 AM
@slickrickdesigns - Why would contemplating be cooler than have your mind set and take a stand? He already made his mind up.
slickrickdesigns - 12/14/2022, 9:45 AM
@ElvenKingSlayer - do I really have to answer your question? I’d say we have different opinions on what cool is.
ElvenKingSlayer - 12/14/2022, 10:11 AM
@slickrickdesigns - No you don't.
I just thought it was nice for a change with a hero who took a hard moral stance and stood by it. Not a hero who contemplates and decides to do the "right" thing at the end and join the other heroes and help save the day(which is what we expect because that is how fiction almost always is told).
slickrickdesigns - 12/14/2022, 11:24 AM
@ElvenKingSlayer - It would’ve been cooler as he portrayed himself as an action hero actor for so long that it would’ve made sense (to me) that he become an actual hero.
ElvenKingSlayer - 12/14/2022, 11:33 AM
@slickrickdesigns - Movie action hero is also fiction and not real life so its cooler that he took a different stand based on real life.
Let's agree to disagree
IcePyke - 12/14/2022, 9:18 AM
cadunovaes01 - 12/14/2022, 3:37 PM
Eternals ia One of the most overrated MCU movies
IcePyke - 12/14/2022, 4:49 PM
@cadunovaes01 -
The Most Unnecessary MCU Movie
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