Marvel Fan Spots AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR VFX Blunder Which May Ruin One Of The Movie's Biggest Moments

Marvel Fan Spots AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR VFX Blunder Which May Ruin One Of The Movie's Biggest Moments

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MULTIVERSUS Game Takes A Shot At BLACK ADAM Star Dwayne Johnson's Vows To Change The Hierarchy Of Power

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kong - 1/24/2015, 7:55 PM
Holy shit...
Abary - 1/25/2015, 5:11 AM
Not too shabby. I'm sure than James Gunn would be opposed to having Ultron in it though.
kinghulk - 1/25/2015, 8:17 AM
overall good idea but i think killing thanos at the beginning is a bad idea. killing thanos the 1st time he isant seen just sitting in his chair is a bad move that undermines how big a threat he is.
MileHighRonin - 1/26/2015, 9:55 AM
Really fun read.
Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:55 AM
Pros: New characters nicely introduced, Warlock is Star-Lord's father, clever way to revive Ronan

Cons: Thanos killed, no Yondu, no Collector, Ultron as the main villain again, Thanos and Mephisto team-up...

Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:56 AM
Regardless, overall good story! I just don't see it completely working as a movie.
Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:59 AM
Gunn also said Nebula is going to have a major role in the sequel.
codsterh - 2/1/2015, 8:04 PM
Pretty cool synopsis. Ever thought that Galan is Quill's father? From what I've read Galan turned into Galactus after the Phoenix force endowed him with the embodiments of Death and Eternity and he was sent away from his home area/planet Taa that was filled with radiation to am unknown planet. Perhaps this was earth in Gunn's thoughts and since he had all this galactic energy he may have glowed...don't know but I like your take.
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