AVENGERS Star Robert Downey Jr. Confirms He's Open To Playing Iron Man Again: [Kevin Feige] Will Always Win

AVENGERS Star Robert Downey Jr. Confirms He's Open To Playing Iron Man Again: "[Kevin Feige] Will Always Win"

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ThreeBigTacos - 4/25/2012, 7:20 AM
Good, he needs an 'update', and hopefully it gives him more than a 2 dimensional feeling.
Gerrit - 4/25/2012, 7:44 AM
Of course that if they make the Mandarin they will have to adapt him. Not everything that works in the comics works in the movies, specially things decades old. They have to reinvent Iron Man's universe just like they did with his suits. It would be horrible if they had made his movies using the first suits as they were in the comics. And this doesn't apply just to Iron Man, it applies to every CBM they make.
superotherside - 4/25/2012, 7:45 AM
That actually sounds cool. Hope Mallen's in it though as a side villain. And they do not need to kill off Mandarin if they do put him in the story.
BlueMex - 4/25/2012, 7:51 AM
The real question here is if the Mandarin is not really the Mandarin, is he the Mandarin? lol
BRandom - 4/25/2012, 7:57 AM
Is anyone else reading this like I am? There will be no actual Mandarin (person) but a group of terrorist called The Mandarin?? IDK how i feel ab it, but I'll wait to hear more before I get my panties in a wad
PsyGuy - 4/25/2012, 7:57 AM
Awesome! So much more believable.
superotherside - 4/25/2012, 7:57 AM
Don't worry people we'll get the actual Mandarin, it's just he'll be slightly updated. Much as Thor told the origin of Loki and Red Skull didn't have a mask etc. But they will most likely remain true to the character. :D
Judecheung - 4/25/2012, 8:00 AM
i like it but...
iron man and another iron man fighting against iron men?
that sounds familiar...
superotherside - 4/25/2012, 8:00 AM
Kingsley could be playing the leader of "a group called The Mandarin"

Sounds like Kingsley will be the actual Mandarin at the end of the film to me. After they find all the rings.
MarkV - 4/25/2012, 8:00 AM
I'm not sure you guys read that very well. There will be no "Mandarin". Rather the group will be "The Mandarin".
Judecheung - 4/25/2012, 8:01 AM
we need some science vs magic stuff!!!
Vapes - 4/25/2012, 8:02 AM
So long as the dude's still "The Mandarin" as we know him and uses 10 rings (or 10 ring-like devices?)... yeah, I could care less what they call him.

"We're iron mongers, Tony."
"You wanna be the war machine?"

And that worked out just fine. If anything, it's on par for the series.
WolvieCBM - 4/25/2012, 8:02 AM
Interesting, interesting. Loving everything so far about this one. Great cast, and the "technological thriller" is just what I would like to see.
havoc9987 - 4/25/2012, 8:04 AM
I don't get this fear about having the Mandarin depecited the way he was in the comics there is nothing racist about an evil Chinese guy. There are evil guys in all countries, what is an evil American racist, NO so what the hell is the problem. The Mandarin is a cool character so why can't he get his chance to shine on the big screen. So because Magneto is Polish that makes it racist against Poland.
elessarundomiel2382 - 4/25/2012, 8:06 AM
i thought Chow Yun Fat was Chinese....why would China cut him out?
whatevillurks - 4/25/2012, 8:08 AM
I'm surprised China would even be cool with the white villians operating under the word.
MarkJulian - 4/25/2012, 8:08 AM
@elessarundomiel2382 B/c he was a villain so to speak and the Chinese government controls the media there and they do not tolerate films that show China in a negative light. Films that do are either severely edited or banned from playing.
Kayo - 4/25/2012, 8:12 AM
AC1 - 4/25/2012, 8:15 AM
If the group is called 'The Mandarin' then what about 'The Ten Rings'? I hope they establish the connection some how. Perhaps The Ten Rings refers to some kind of inner-circle of the Mandarin organisation, maybe ten leaders who each possess a ring (Raza from Iron Man, Kingsley's character, etc) or perhaps it's the opposite, and The Mandarin refers to the Chinese branch of the Ten Rings, led by Kingsley, who also happens to be the head of the whole organisation?

Raza wore a red ring in Iron Man, perhaps it's connected? I hope we get a scene where the Mandarin (Kingsley's character) collects his ten rings, maybe killing Raza to get his one. He better have his rings. And they better be magic too.

The Mandarin does need a slight update, but nothing too drastic. And I don't like the sound of that 'war of Iron Men'... It better just be Tony (and maybe Rhodey) in armour this time, there's no need to outfit everyone in this film with their own Iron Man suit.
Shaman - 4/25/2012, 8:17 AM
I want Andy Lau to be THE Mandarin and i don't care if he has to be Tony's friend first, and then get a huge reveal at the end.
MassExecutions - 4/25/2012, 8:18 AM
@havoc9987 - That's what I say!

So long as he's out for world domination and has rings with powers, he's the Mandarin. We may get him in the film yet.
MassExecutions - 4/25/2012, 8:18 AM
Also, the ten rings ARE NOT MAGIC!
TheAmarilloBlack - 4/25/2012, 8:19 AM
Do you noobs know nothing of The Mandarin? His rings utilize advanced alien TECHNOLOGY. No magic.

DUMB, Shane Black doesn't have a deep enough knowlege of The Mandarin if he thinks the character still represents a racist stereotype. He's been much better defined and refined in modern comics.

(not really, we'll be much less pleased, tho)
RaleighAntrobus - 4/25/2012, 8:19 AM
@nailbiter111 -

Welcome to Hollywood.
TheAmarilloBlack - 4/25/2012, 8:21 AM
SuperSomething616 - 4/25/2012, 8:24 AM
Makes sense...though with Iron Man existing in a universe that has asgardian gods, magic and cosmic cubes in now...not a hard push to have an insane oriental with alien power rings is it?
Shaman - 4/25/2012, 8:26 AM
Hell, i'd even be cool if Andy gets possessed by the alien tech against his will, like in Superman 3. JUST GIMME MY GODDAMN MANDARIN!!!
Ranger14 - 4/25/2012, 8:26 AM
Havoc@ I agree completely. Not sure about this take, but way too premature to say. If they don't work in the rings somehow, then I will be extremely disappointed. The rings are somewhat similar to how Thor talks about the powers they have in Asgaard. Humans may view it all as magic, but it can be science, just not science that we can explain. The rings are alien in origin and can be advanced technology as opposed to being magic and that has always been an ongoing discussion, so I have no issue with the rings being part of it regardless of how they approach Mandarin.
TheAmarilloBlack - 4/25/2012, 8:29 AM
"Oriental" is a racist term. The Mandarin is an insane Asian with alien power rings.
TheAmarilloBlack - 4/25/2012, 8:31 AM
I can totally see Lau being the mastermind in the guise of a friend to Tone. I doubt they'd hint at The Mandarin this long without following through. It's like making a Superman movie and having LEX be a multinational corporation bent on world conquest.

Don't jump the shark, Shane.
scapegoatjones - 4/25/2012, 8:32 AM
A group as The Mandarin is a dumb idea. I'll take just a single guy at the head of an organization, vaguely referred to as The Mandarin tyvm.

Watch out for the Doctor DOOMsday Device!

scapegoatjones - 4/25/2012, 8:34 AM

I heard that they actually prefer InsAsians, which is a contraction of your aforementioned "insane Asian".
superotherside - 4/25/2012, 8:36 AM
MarkV Not sure if you guys are reading this well either.

Neonpunch goes on to report that Kingsley could be playing the leader of "a group called The Mandarin"

I think Kingsley will be the Mandarin. The head of the origination that will get the ten rings and fight Tony and the rest of the Iron Men... but remember all of this is just a rumor. The Invaders where to show up in Captain America as well. LOL.
TheAmarilloBlack - 4/25/2012, 8:41 AM
Ah, thank you! lol
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