SPIDER-MAN 4: Adil El Arbi And Bilall Fallah Address Directing Rumors And Tease Bringing Back The Vulture

SPIDER-MAN 4: Adil El Arbi And Bilall Fallah Address Directing Rumors And Tease Bringing Back The Vulture

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MULTIVERSUS Game Takes A Shot At BLACK ADAM Star Dwayne Johnson's Vows To Change The Hierarchy Of Power

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FightAs0ne - 2/10/2015, 6:32 AM
Should be with mentioning that Miles Morales was a top worldwide trend last night.
Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:32 AM
I heard the Schmoes cracked the news first.
Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:33 AM
Lol, Elmayimbe masturbating his ego as per-usual.
MercwithMouth - 2/10/2015, 6:34 AM
These are all interesting. Except Wilding. Not one single person gives a rat's ass about Wilding.
Spock0Clock - 2/10/2015, 6:35 AM
SuperCat - 2/10/2015, 6:36 AM
AlexdoxA - 2/10/2015, 6:37 AM
Sorry DC and Fox studios... in the words of Bill Paxton> "Game over, man!"
SuperCat - 2/10/2015, 6:37 AM

maximus - 2/10/2015, 6:37 AM
Yes !!! Kevin Feige you my friend are getting Stan Lee status!!!!
AlexdoxA - 2/10/2015, 6:37 AM
And score yet another point for El Mayimbe
DylanTBest - 2/10/2015, 6:37 AM
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Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:39 AM
Lmao. I know that feel...
ATrueHero1987 - 2/10/2015, 6:39 AM
I am truly happy about this! Again I am bummed about one thing...I have to wait ANOTHER year for BP!! The good thing about that is, BP now has a summer release date(I always believed he would do great during the summer) and he still may yet join the Avengers in IW part 2(it never was confirmed that he would join them then in part 1 but it's STILL possible)

Oh to people crying about BP being written out of Captain America: CW....just stop.lol
Pigdango - 2/10/2015, 6:39 AM
Anyone who is upset about Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Inhumans being pushed back a few months is a silly goose. They're pushing them back so that Feige will be able to oversee them. If they weren't being pushed back one or more of them would have someone else running the show. This is good news for every movie on Marvel's slate.

Also @FightAsOne , it's already been confirmed by Sony that MCU Spidey will be Peter Parker. Nobody cares about Miles Morales.
Sigma9 - 2/10/2015, 6:39 AM
@AlexdoxA in behalf of dc comics fans you can go suck kevin feige's dick :)
PAF - 2/10/2015, 6:40 AM
This is either gonna be great or one hot ass mess.
Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:40 AM
Uh, please don't represent me.
HachibiTheMC - 2/10/2015, 6:41 AM
what kind of bullshit self-aggrandizing "article" is this?

"sharpest responses, wittiest anecdotes and funniest jokes"?
BlanketMan - 2/10/2015, 6:42 AM
I'd be a bit conflicted if I were Chris Evans this morning: On one hand, my third CAP movie suddenly has a very real chance of actually beating Batman/Superman at the box-office; on the other hand, I may end up looking like a guest star in my own so-called solo film, which is looking more and more like (as Anthony Mackie called it) Avengers 3.8.

I think I'd be mostly OK with that second "problem," though!
Spidey91 - 2/10/2015, 6:42 AM
"I'm now just going to assume Rhino killed Spider-Man at the end of TASM2"
Sigma9 - 2/10/2015, 6:42 AM
@Pasto dont worry i was talking to the dc fans :)
StreakOfBlue - 2/10/2015, 6:45 AM
Take that DC! You idiots have all your eggs in one basket and you're throwing them everywhere! See how powerful you'd be? Keep all your movies in the same universe!
GeekyCheekyChic - 2/10/2015, 6:45 AM
Dear El Maybe,
Schmoes Know cracked the news first. Don't hurt yourself laughing idiot.
StreakOfBlue - 2/10/2015, 6:46 AM
Why is Josh Wilding's reaction up there?
Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:46 AM
What you talkin bout Willis? Their movies are all in the same universe.
GeekyCheekyChic - 2/10/2015, 6:47 AM
Matthew Vaughn- Spider-Man ? LOVE IT
Grodd87 - 2/10/2015, 6:50 AM
I still can't believe that two companies got together and gave the fund what they want I hope we see a spidey end credit scene
Grodd87 - 2/10/2015, 6:51 AM
Can't we enjoy this great moment without bringing up dc movies on a side note maybe forces fc hand to release BVS trailer sooner
FordEl - 2/10/2015, 6:51 AM

Lol seriously? DC/WB have all the rights to the characters, Marvel on the other hand doesnt.
YeezusWept - 2/10/2015, 6:52 AM
Brad Bird for Marvel's Spider-Man or GTFO.
FordEl - 2/10/2015, 6:52 AM

We're supposed to get BcS and Suicide Swuad news anyway this month; hopefully now sooner
ATrueHero1987 - 2/10/2015, 6:52 AM
OHHHH!! The villain for the next Spider-Man should be this guy:

Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:53 AM


FordEl - 2/10/2015, 6:53 AM
They should go with Miles Morales. If they go with Peter Parker i nominate Dylan O' Brien. He would be such a great fit. His character in Teen Wolf shares similarities with him a little bit.

Pasto - 2/10/2015, 6:55 AM
Why not just keep it classic. Pick someone whose really been trying to ruin Spider-Man. They need to have the villain be someone who wants to see Spider-Man in so much pain.

So the obvious choice is...

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