The EXCLUSIVE Deep Dive into SUPERMAN: MAN OF TOMORROW With Writer Tim Sheridan Concludes

The EXCLUSIVE Deep Dive into SUPERMAN: MAN OF TOMORROW With Writer Tim Sheridan Concludes The EXCLUSIVE Deep Dive into SUPERMAN: MAN OF TOMORROW With Writer Tim Sheridan Concludes

In the final installment of our exclusive conversation with Superman: Man of Tomorrow writer Tim Sheridan, he reflects on what the Man of Steel represents in the 21st century. Check it out...

By EdGross - Feb 09, 2021 05:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

This is the third and final part of our interview with Tim Sheridan, writer of the animated film Superman: Man of Tomorrow, which chronicles the early days of the Man of Steel in Metropolis and the moment when he truly embraces his destiny as Superman for the first time.

In this installment we talk about the “S” crest and whether or not it stands for Superman or Hope. Additionally, we address the question of whether or not there will be future animated adventures set in this time period and, most importantly, the role of Superman in the 21stCentury. In a society with such political turmoil and ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic, what does the Last Son of Krypton represent?

"I don't mean to be negative about the world," Sheridan muses, "but it's very difficult to take a snapshot of where we are at the moment and feel that everything's great. We're in a very challenging moment, even a state of emergency, and in that moment to have the opportunity to tell a story that is hopeful, that's optimistic, was just too much to resist."

Superman: Man of Tomorrow is available on HBO Max and through streaming, as well as on Blu-ray and DVD. 

Check out the first two installments of this interview below.

SUPERMAN: Scott Snyder Reports On Recent Set Visit & Scene Involving Superman And Lex Luthor

SUPERMAN: Scott Snyder Reports On Recent Set Visit & Scene Involving Superman And Lex Luthor

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Ha1frican - 2/9/2021, 6:10 PM
How is this? I used to keep up with all the animated DC but really lost interest after Killing Joke, is this worth a look?
dracula - 2/9/2021, 6:37 PM
@Ha1frican - its Man Of Steel done right.
Ha1frican - 2/9/2021, 6:41 PM
@dracula - Well I like Man of Steel a lot so that doesnt really give me much confidence
dracula - 2/9/2021, 6:43 PM
@Ha1frican - Tells the type of story snyder was trying to do, but doesn't sacrifice the core of Superman's character to do it
Ha1frican - 2/9/2021, 6:59 PM
@dracula - I never felt that way about Man of Steel so again that doesnt instill confidence lol To me what I hear when people say that is "this is hokey Superman" which despite him being my favorite character my entire life is often the case and a version of the character I really do not enjoy. I prefer the more existential and often serious takes like Kingdom Come, Death and Return (really the 90's in general since they were my original comics as a kid), and even the Bruce Timm stuff which is even still more stern than a lot of the other animated versions especially in the JL cartoon
dracula - 2/9/2021, 7:16 PM
@Ha1frican - well just know he isnt hokey and he isnt constantly brooding either, they find a good middle ground.
Ha1frican - 2/9/2021, 7:28 PM
@dracula - Then I’ll have to check it out
Ha1frican - 2/9/2021, 9:00 PM
@dracula - Just watched it. Yeah I really did not care for that tbh. Art Style was amazing, I liked the way they explored Jonathan and Martha’s reservations about humanity ina more nuanced way than in MoS, Martian Manhunters design was cool, and Lois’ speech about “The Job was good but overall I didnt care for it. Parasite was an waste and an odd ripoff of Roland Emmerich’s Godziila in bother design and later stature, there were a lot of wierd leaps in logic, what seemed like editing errors at times, and while you are right he wasnt hokey i really didnt care for Clark’s characterization. I dont mind a more bumbling and sincere Clark persona but he felt more like Peter Parker and like the quirky and unsure guy was who he really was and Superman was more the persona which just doesnt fit my preference regarding the character. This wasnt anything special imo it was about as generic direct to dvd animated DC movie as you could get
aresww3 - 2/9/2021, 11:45 PM
@Ha1frican - @Ha1frican - It was a step in the right direction from MoS, but its certainly not the complete young year one Superman I'd want to see.

I agree with @Dracula tho. It's way better than MoS. I just wish they had have adapted Birth Right, Superman Earth One Part 2 and American Alien. Between those three stories there's the ultimate modern Superman story. One with grit and realism but also with the heart and soul of Superman.
Ha1frican - 2/10/2021, 6:06 AM
@aresww3 - It wasn’t for me, my version of Superman falls basically almost perfectly in line with Man of Steel but as I’ve said here a few times I don’t think with Superman and Batman that there really are definitive versions of those characters. People’s preferences vary so incredibly wildly based on age and what medium made them interested in the character that it’s very rare that people actually agree on the details of what is and isn’t the character and they are all valid. That’s not my Superman but it’s no less valid or genuinely Superman than what prefer to see done with the character
aresww3 - 2/10/2021, 8:51 AM
@Ha1frican - Not all versions of the character are valid my friend. If you do a superman who comes from krypton, exact same history, pa kent, ma kent, everything, but he acted like he was a member of the Nation Of Islam, would that be Superman? (As cool an elseworld as that would be lol)

There are clear parameters to a hero, and his or her lore. If you fall outside those parameters you are no longer dealing with the character.

I am aware there are some hardliners that think only Bruce Timm's Batman is Batman. Or Catwoman in Tim Burton isn't Catwoman, but they do not understand the mythology of these characters at all. They rely on a 90s cartoon to tell them who Batman is, rather than looking at what connects the many iterations of Batman or Superman. There are also some people who will never be happy, no matter what version they get. If Batman isn't a Ninja, greatest detective (whatever that means), who knows a million martial arts and can kill an army with his finger, but also never kills and won't even allow an enemy to die during an impending train collision of his own creation (like Ras Al Ghul) then its not Batman. Then there are Superman fans who literally think anything that isn't completely fun, light and cartoony isn't Superman.

Truly the two popular versions of Superman that dictate to most who Superman is Bruce Timm's Universe and Christopher Reeves. I have a much broader reading of the character. But people like the familiar. A "kneel before Zod" goes a long way. It makes people feel cosier, when trying to take in new interpretations of character. Its also fun to see how you can write in the familiar tropes of a character into new versions "I'm Batman." is iconic. I think a the idea of a Crystal planet and Crystal technology with modern CGI is much more interesting than the Krypton we got in Man Of Steel. Also that familiarity would have helped the film alot, even with the exact same story. But anyway I digress.

With all things in life it is about balance. Most of these people who comment on these iterations have no imaginations, they only have their gut and instincts. They don't spend a long time pondering the question who are these heroes? They just throw together a bunch of adjectives they think defines them. They are not storytellers themselves, so they can only rely on what has been presented to them to point at what they believe Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman or Flash to be.

The fact of the matter is there are some simple truths of these characters and any iteration that unifies the majority of people, is usually right and any that divides people is wrong. Every movie has its fans Man Of Steel, WW84, Superman Returns, all have there defenders, but if your movie divides people or the majority of people reject it, you simply haven't got the character right. You haven't spent enough time and care to really get what makes that character special and why people love and connect to them. And it is possible to do, even with massively popular characters, we years of lore like James Bond or Batman or Wonder Woman or Superman or even Watchmen. There will always be people who complain, but if you get 80 or 90 percent of people on board, you've done your job.

Whether people want to retroactively go back and say Batman 89 and Returns wasn't "real" Batman they are wrong because he was accepted by everyone as the Batman of their time. Nolan's Batman, is a Batman that the majority of people accepted as Batman, whether he had the detective or genius aspect to him or not, it's absolutely irrelevant. He captured the core of the character and what Batman mythologically stands for. He was the right Batman for his time. Same with Wonder Woman the movie. That wildly deviates from Wonder Woman comic book lore, but no Wonder Woman fan complained because it captured the core of the character. Just as WW84 did not and it was rejected. Shazam the same. Superman 78 was the Superman of that time. The right Superman for that generation. In film we are yet to get a Superman for our generation. in the case of Superman Returns because it tried to copy a Superman who was no longer relevant to our time. In the case of Man Of Steel because it tried to rewrite Superman and took everything away from him that made him Superman in order to force fit him into our more cynical age. Cap America didn't do that and it worked, Wonder Woman 1 didn't do that and it worked. They are very similar archetypes to Superman.

So as for whether or not you have to do a Superman that sticks exactly to the comics and doesn't deviate from them at all, I don't think you need to do that to make a good Superman movie. But you do have to make a Superman that is recognizable to the majority of people, not just a niche fanbase and I think the best way to do that is stay true to the core of the character and just bring that character into the modern world. Man Of Tomorrow does that better IMO than Man Of Steel.
aresww3 - 2/10/2021, 9:03 AM
@Ha1frican - @Ha1frican - Put it this way, just to simplify there is doing good Superman and there is doing bad Superman as a storyteller.

The difference is does your version connect with the time. Man Of Steel and Superman Returns is bad Superman. Superman 78, Smallville, even Lois and Clark is good Superman.

By the way if you're looking for Superman animated movies that are much better than Man Of Tomorrow, I'd go Superman Unbound, All Star or Superman and The Elite. Much much better.
Ha1frican - 2/10/2021, 10:27 AM
@aresww3 - Yeah you literally lost me in the first sentence lol
aresww3 - 2/10/2021, 11:25 AM
@Ha1frican - Well. Not much I can do about that.
dracula - 2/9/2021, 6:11 PM
The superman movie we needed.

Get this guy to write a live action Superman movie and get Jeff Nichols to direct
MahN166A - 2/9/2021, 6:19 PM
Has anyone watched Reign of the Supermen?? How was that?? I was curious to check it out but wanted to know if it was even worth it
Cbmfilmjunkie - 2/9/2021, 6:20 PM
@satsuinojxa - I really liked it!

dracula - 2/9/2021, 6:35 PM
@satsuinojxa - its a lot better than their first attempt at the Death and Return Of Superman story. One of the better films of the dcamu
MahN166A - 2/9/2021, 6:42 PM

Welp! Since I got my second Covid shot and I feel like shit, maybe this’ll perk me up. I’ll check it out. Thanks fellas.
ModHaterSLADE - 2/9/2021, 6:25 PM
Pretty good movie. Glad Martian Manhunter got some representation here.
dracula - 2/9/2021, 6:36 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - hopefully they do a direct sequel
ModHaterSLADE - 2/9/2021, 6:57 PM
@dracula - Hoping they do as well. They did a great job with portraying a young Supes here.
dracula - 2/9/2021, 7:25 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - and plenty of room for another solo outing, main one being who sent Lobo after the “last” kryptonian. Im thinking Brainiac
GhostDog - 2/9/2021, 6:44 PM
The quintessential modern Superman origin movie
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/9/2021, 6:57 PM
Good movie but pretty anticlimactic. Parasite was just a big monster who didn't really have any depth or arc. There was that one touching moment when he revisits his wife and daughter, but they never built on it.

It was also lame how Parasite was created by some random Lobo grenade. It would have been better if he was mutated by something created at Star Labs. And as an employee of the company, it would have gave him a personal vendetta against Lex Luthor who was in charge of the illegal experimentations.

Overall, it just felt like a lesser version of what The Animated Series already accomplished so perfectly with Superman's origin and villains.
DaHyro - 2/9/2021, 7:22 PM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - Speaking of which, I’m really disappointed we never got the Animated Series on Blu Ray last year after getting BTAS in 2018 & BB in 2019.

It was probably cuz of COVID, but it still sucks. It’s such an underrated show
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/9/2021, 7:31 PM
@DaHyro - Absolutely. Fingers crossed they remaster it still. It feels like even the producers behind the show don't treat it to as high of a regard as their work on Batman and Justice League, which is a shame, because I think it's a huge achievement that they should be very proud of.

I also hope Static Shock gets the blu ray treatment as well, but that might be asking for too much at this point lol.
Bryanferryfan - 2/9/2021, 9:56 PM
What's going on with Black Lightning...was Wise Son on there last night or what
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