LUKE CAGE Star Mike Colter Is Open To Playing Power Man Again But Admits I'm Past It

LUKE CAGE Star Mike Colter Is Open To Playing Power Man Again But Admits "I'm Past It"

TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking What The F*** Is Going On? While Shooting First Scene
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TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking "What The F*** Is Going On?" While Shooting First Scene

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L0RDbuckethead - 10/23/2018, 9:01 AM
Looks like Marvel is slowly reclaiming all their properties under one roof... Their roof.
benjithegreat - 10/24/2018, 8:39 AM
What comes next? Netflix itself.
Kumkani - 10/24/2018, 8:39 AM
The answer is: We don't know.
HeavyMetal4Life - 10/24/2018, 9:04 AM
@BlindWedjat - pretty much. No matter how much speculation there is, the appropriate response is to just wait. There are too many unknowns and only a few weeks have gone by. I doubt Marvel TV will just let Iron Fist and Luke Cage disappear. Something will happen, we just need to be patient.
GhostDog - 10/24/2018, 8:41 AM
If they don't renew Daredevil for season 4

KWilly - 10/24/2018, 8:47 AM
@BlackBeltJones - Just because Daredevil may not get renewed on Netflix, doesn't mean it won't get renewed elsewhere.
Subtlespammer24 - 10/24/2018, 8:44 AM
Marvel on Netflix is probably going the way of the Marvel One Shot unfortunately
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