JESSICA JONES Star Krysten Ritter Addresses MCU Return Speculation Created By Recent Instagram Post

JESSICA JONES Star Krysten Ritter Addresses MCU Return Speculation Created By Recent Instagram Post

Is BLADE Dead At Marvel Studios? Here's The Latest On Status Of MCU Reboot
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Is BLADE Dead At Marvel Studios? Here's The Latest On Status Of MCU Reboot

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Kumkani - 1/11/2021, 2:34 AM
We already had an article on this? Come on now.
Doomsday8888 - 1/11/2021, 2:47 AM
Ya gotta understand, fam...

Mr. Ditkovich is knocking on the door!
dracula - 1/11/2021, 2:54 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Wonder if in any of the timelines that Doctor Strange saw in Infinity War, did he ever fix that door. Guessing thats the darkest timeline
dracula - 1/11/2021, 2:44 AM
Really Daredevil would be the only show worth keeping in continuity. The rest were all over the place in quality

Jessica jones turned to crap after season 1

Luke Cage dropped the ball on the second half of season 1 (although season 2 was a big improvement, id say as good as daredevil season 2)

Iron fist was just terrible, was decent in season 2 but really his appearence in luke cage season 2 was the best writing the character got

Punisher id say was on par with Iron Fist season 2 and just kind of stayed there

Defenders, what a let down. Best tv crossover of that year was for sure Crisis On Earth X
SpaceAgent - 1/11/2021, 2:53 AM
@dracula - Nah man either everything's canon or non of it is. Plus all of those actors are great and if given the right treatment they would definetly thrive in their respective roles.
Even Finn Jones. ;)
Manmarvel - 1/11/2021, 3:10 AM
@SpaceAgent - with the multiverse, he can snag whomever he wants and leave everyone else behind. Picking characters out of the X-men, Inhumane, Defenders, Clock and Dagger, Runaways, AoS, ect as he sees fit for the MCU.
GodHercules20 - 1/11/2021, 3:20 AM
Just reboot Iron Fist

Don't care about the rest
Kurne - 1/11/2021, 3:26 AM
Could just take the Multiverse route so they can pick and choose who they want back. Or, simply based on whoever even wants to come back.

Have the events of the Netflix and ABC shows loosely/weirdly/eh idk canon. You'd have to assume they're similar timelines because of all the shows' heavy emphasis on Phase 1, but with different occurrences along the way to work around recasts or plot/world events that contradict each other.
DeadClunge - 1/11/2021, 3:27 AM
Bring them back!! Except iron fist 🤣 recast or reboot lol that shit was trash 🗑️

Really would like season 4 of DD 😭
Mugens - 1/11/2021, 3:27 AM
I think all the Netflix shows deserve a second life on Disney+ with Feige overseeing everything. Sure the quality of the various seasons were hit and miss, can't lie about that, but as I have said before that was more due to the scripts, not the actors. And yes the only real seriously weak point was Iron Fist, but I'm game to even give that another shot. The more the merrier.
JDL - 1/11/2021, 4:58 AM
@Mugens - Not legal. Netflix owns those shows until and unless Disney buys them.
CasualAF - 1/11/2021, 5:42 AM
@JDL - The rights to the characters go back to Marvel after Feb 18, 2021. Some of them are already over.
DaHyro - 1/11/2021, 5:47 AM
@JDL - Well, we actually don’t fully know if that’s the case. Disney owns SOME of the distribution rights (they made Blu Rays of some of the shows), so it’s possible we could get the shows themselves one day too.
JDL - 1/11/2021, 10:51 AM
@CasualAF - Go back and reread the OP's post. He/she wants a continuation of the Netflix shows and that is not possible. Even if Netflix were to grant permission Disney would be totally uninterested since Netflix retains the shows already shot.

Yes the characters come back and yes they could reboot & recast but that would be too unsatisfying to too many people to have a snowballs chance in Hell of succeeding.
JDL - 1/11/2021, 10:53 AM
@DaHyro - Why do you think Disney made the Blu-Rays or DVD's ? They aren't selling them on their web site.
CasualAF - 1/12/2021, 7:15 AM
@JDL - Oh i wasnt arguing the value of continuing the Netflix series. I was just saying after February Marvel can do whatever they want with their characters per the "Not legal. Netflix owns those shows until and unless Disney buys them." comment.
JDL - 1/12/2021, 10:03 AM
@CasualAF - They can't do whatever they want if it conflicts with the IP rights that Netflix owns before or after Feb 28.

Like I said reboot and recast and when the backlash hits rebury. YMMV.
Tonic24k - 1/11/2021, 6:15 AM
I enjoyed the Netflix Marvel shows. But these are all shows that ran their own independent course and I'll love them for what they were. Feige is certainly not passing up the opportunity to tell his own stories based on these characters and their origins in the MCU.
slickrickdesigns - 1/11/2021, 8:07 AM
Just bring back DareDevil and Punisher from Netflix. Which should include King Pin. All others had a good go but I wouldn’t be disappointed if they recasted Luke Jessica and Danny.
Also would t be upset if they gave Bernthal the role of Wolverine in which I would hope they let someone like Thomas Jane back in the role of Frank Castle.
Ramble over....... till the next one.
Anonymius - 1/25/2021, 1:58 AM
OK, in defence of SOME of the things that Jeph Loeb apparently did:

I liked coulson. He was the best character in agents of shield and it was sad when they killed him off (barring any alternate or robot versions), even if it made no sense why him being alive had to be kept a secret.

Kind of a d**k move to bring up ultimatum, considering what he was going through at the time and how it affected his writing.

and agents of shield did mention civil war (and was the reasoning for why inhumans had to be registered), and even the beginnings of infinity war, even if it did act like the snap never happened.

as for the hand, i believe there were concerns that depiction of the organisation enforced japanese stereotypes, and so they tried to remove those stereotypes and make it more of a multi-national organisation (even if it had no problem depicting irish gangs and hispanic cartels), but without the stereotypes there wasn't much left to use.

also i don't know how much of the creative decisions that happened in the individual shows you can blame on loeb.
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