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SHAZAM! Star Mark Strong Confirmed To Star In THE PENGUIN - But Who Is He Playing?

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Menks123 - 5/19/2021, 9:01 AM
Idk how people can hate on Riddler's look from that calendar and absolutely no context about the character lol.

I am very intrigued by it.
SgtSoggybottom - 5/19/2021, 9:02 AM
What the actual f**? I can't even argue with this's on point. What is this world coming to????
Blergh - 5/19/2021, 9:03 AM
@SgtSoggybottom - You'll have my rent by thursday
SgtSoggybottom - 5/19/2021, 9:15 AM
@Blergh - Ok...but I haven't fixed that damn door yet.
CorndogBurglar - 5/20/2021, 4:05 AM
@SgtSoggybottom - These are all bad in my opinion, but there worse.

Where's Wolverine Origins Deadpool? Where's Galactus Cloud?
Reeds2Much - 5/19/2021, 9:03 AM
Thought THE BATMAN's Riddler Looks Bad?

heyy1 - 5/19/2021, 9:42 AM
@Reeds2Much - he does tho
McMurdo - 5/20/2021, 7:13 AM
@heyy1 - dude above you has 30 likes, you have 4. Looks to me that you are in the minority on this one
heyy1 - 5/20/2021, 8:00 AM
@McMurdo - transformers 4 made over a billion still a trash film
McMurdo - 5/21/2021, 6:55 AM
@heyy1 - I agree. But I have no idea how it pertains to this discussion lol
ModHaterSLADE - 5/19/2021, 9:03 AM
Yeah, hoping the MCU actually gives us a GG who looks like an actually Goblin and less like a Power Rangers character.
DalekCraigWasson - 5/19/2021, 6:27 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - He's not so much Power Rangers as Jer Jaguar.

THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 5/19/2021, 9:04 AM
I just want to say that I appreciate this image:

OmegaDaGrodd - 5/19/2021, 9:09 AM
What the hell is Harry Osborne Goblin doing here
Blergh - 5/19/2021, 9:10 AM
07. Green Goblin:
it's the best they could have had for the time the movie came out. Audiences weren't that capable to suspend their disbelief yet and needed time to adjust, hence everything had to look somewhat rooted in reality. IMO it's a good suit, although in todays's superhero age it would look different.

06. Electro:
firmly disagree, it's quite close to the Ultimate Comics and lightyears better than the original suit. What bothered me more was his civilian design and the way the character was written. There's much to fault the TASM movies for but the costume design isn't it

05. The Joker:
Agreed, if it weren't for the tattoos and grill I could have lived with it. Leto is a good actor but Ayer had to bring in his gang-banger aesthetic and edge him up completely beyond repair. Wasn't a fan of the design in the Snyder Cut either BUT it was better than in SS.

04. Hobgoblin:
It was fairly military looking and bland. Not bad but just not the best.

03. Mr. Freeze:
Idk, I liked the design. Performance and writing left a lot to be desired but I didn't mind the way he looked.

02. Doctor Doom(ashev):
Yeah, that design was bad. They got the mask and cape wrong. What is it with edgy filmmakers always having to redesign the characters and putting them into different context? What's so hard about making a faithful adaption?

01. The Riddler:
We don't know anything about that characters design so far. Who's to say he's not going to get his classic look in the movies runtime? I wouldn't be so quick to judge.
KWilly - 5/19/2021, 9:10 AM
Tf... It looks fine. I really don't get the complaints. This is a gritty, more grounded take on The Riddler, so u want that guy to look like this??

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