LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Showrunner Confirms SCRUBS Star Zach Braff Was Eyed To Voice Booster Gold's Skeets

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Showrunner Confirms SCRUBS Star Zach Braff Was Eyed To Voice Booster Gold's Skeets

Kathleen Kennedy Says A Lot Of Women Who Step Into STAR WARS Struggle Due To Male Dominated Fanbase
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InvisibleSanji - 9/8/2015, 4:16 PM
Sounds fun. Probably top 5 CW show, but not top 3, lol.
DrKinsolving - 9/8/2015, 4:22 PM
I think this show has potential, I haven't been keeping up with CW, but I thought the first look for this was cool

LEVITIKUZ - 9/8/2015, 4:37 PM
I'm excited for this show because there is no source material it's based on meaning they can do whatever the [frick] we want, fans won't moan and bitch about source material, and the show will keep being excited and at times unexpected since we don't know what they will do because theres no source material to go by.

Unlike TASM2 which had source material and reminded us every scene with Gwen that she will die and tries to be shocking that she died.
CombatWombat - 9/8/2015, 5:58 PM
"We're all gonna kinda rub against each other in weird ways."
- Ciara Renée
CombatWombat - 9/8/2015, 5:58 PM
...I'd like to kinda rub against her in weird ways...

Batman5 - 9/8/2015, 6:02 PM
man this is just looking better and better! Cannot wait for this one too!!! I can't all the awesome dc movies/shows we are getting! what a great time to be a fan guys! CANT WAIT!!!
BlackStar25 - 9/8/2015, 7:14 PM
Awwwww Yeeaaahhhhh!

GreatAtBoats - 9/8/2015, 8:25 PM
There's no new footage in this except the interviews.
TampaChomp - 9/9/2015, 6:45 AM
At the :36 mark of this video, there is a shot of the Flash running around Heat Wave. In the building behind them (or at least in the reflection) is Reverse Flash. Is this from the Flash S01 episode "Revenge of the Rogues" or some other episode? If it is, i completely missed it at the time. Or is this new footage?!?!
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