David Cronenberg's THE SHROUDS Poster And Stills Released Ahead Of Cannes Premiere

David Cronenberg's THE SHROUDS Poster And Stills Released Ahead Of Cannes Premiere David Cronenberg's THE SHROUDS Poster And Stills Released Ahead Of Cannes Premiere

Following the divisive Crimes of the Future, David Cronenberg's next film is set to premiere at Cannes later this month, and the first poster and promo stills are now online...

By MarkCassidy - May 09, 2024 07:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Horror
Source: Via FearHQ

Legendary The Fly and Dead Ringers director David Cronenberg's Crimes of the Future released in 2022, eight years after his previous film, Maps to the Stars. Thankfully, we're not going to have to wait quite as long for the body horror maestro's next project.

Titled The Shrouds, the movie stars Vincent Cassel (Irreversible, Eastern Promises), Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds), Guy Pearce (Memento) and Sandrine Holt (Fear the Walking Dead), and is set for its world premiere later this month at the Cannes Film Festival.

Plot details had been pretty vague up until now, but the following synopsis gives us a much better idea of what to expect.

"Karsh, an innovative businessman and grieving widower, builds a novel device to connect with the dead inside a burial shroud. This burial tool installed at his own state-of-the-art – though controversial cemetery allows him and his clients to watch their specific departed loved one decompose in real time.

Karsh’s revolutionary business is on the verge of breaking into the international mainstream when several graves within his cemetery are vandalized and nearly destroyed, including that of his wife. While he struggles to uncover a clear motive for the attack, the mystery of who wrought this havoc, and why, drive him to reevaluate his business, marriage and fidelity to his late wife’s memory, as well as push him to new beginnings."

Holt will play "a mysterious woman, the wife of a billionaire, who contacts Cassel’s Karsh about a strange project involving her husband.”

It certainly sounds... like a David Cronenberg movie!

U.S. distribution has yet to be confirmed, but French distributor Pyramide Films will release The Shrouds on September 25, 2024. Have a look at the first poster and some new promo images below.

The Shrouds will see the return of several Cronenberg collaborators, including cinematographer Douglas Koch, editor Christopher Donaldson, and composer Howard Shore.

Crimes of the Future proved to be highly divisive (as much of Cronenberg's work often does), so expect similar reactions from Cannes when The Shrouds screens.

The 77th annual Cannes Film Festival will take place from 14 to 25 May. Greta Gerwig will serve as jury president for the main competition, while actress Camille Cottin will host the opening and closing ceremonies.

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BillyBatson1000 - 5/9/2024, 7:20 AM
Yeah, should have called it:

Dirt-Nap TV.
HammerLegFoot - 5/9/2024, 7:23 AM
You know I will say, I've grown to love Josh's List Articles because on a slow news day we get some random list about "the top 10 best animation on capes movement in movies" It gets us all talking and engaging
IAmAHoot - 5/9/2024, 7:29 AM
Is it just me, or does Diane Kruger looka bit like Jessica Lange in that photo?
clintthahamster - 5/9/2024, 10:07 AM
@IAmAHoot - In the poster image, for sure.
DocSpock - 5/9/2024, 8:40 AM

This weirdo has long since run out of good ideas.

McMurdo - 5/9/2024, 10:03 AM
His last film sucked
clintthahamster - 5/9/2024, 10:12 AM
I haven't seen Crimes of the Future, but "Golden Age Cronenberg" (roughly Scanners through eXistenZ, though I'd go all the way back to Shivers) is a remarkable run for any film maker. Glad to see him getting back to his body horror business.
Kozmik - 5/9/2024, 8:43 PM
@clintthahamster - 'Crimes of the Future' is typically Cronenberg, which is to say not that great as far as the writing goes.

The strongest things by my reckoning he's written are 'The Brood' and 'Scanners.

The rest is fairly mediocre.
marvel72 - 5/9/2024, 10:16 AM
Scanners and The Fly are f*ckin great.
Kozmik - 5/9/2024, 8:39 PM
That's also not likely the official the poster for 'The Shrouds.' It's just part of promotional material for Cannes.

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