SHANG-CHI Star Simu Liu Responds To Sequel Announcement With Another Little Dig At YouTube Trolls

SHANG-CHI Star Simu Liu Responds To Sequel Announcement With Another Little Dig At YouTube Trolls SHANG-CHI Star Simu Liu Responds To Sequel Announcement With Another Little Dig At YouTube Trolls

Yesterday, news broke that Marvel Studios is officially moving forward with a sequel to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and star Simu Liu has now Tweeted out his response...

By MarkCassidy - Dec 07, 2021 01:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Shang-Chi

Marvel Studios officially announced plans to move forward with a sequel to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings yesterday, with Destin Daniel Cretton back on board to write and direct. Star Simu Liu has now shared his response to the news via Twitter... aiming a little dig at certain YouTube channels in the process.

As you may recall, Liu posted a collage of video screenshots to his Instagram stories with an unmissable "LOL" right in the center back in September after Shang-Chi's $90M+ opening weekend. This was a response to some notorious trolls who've been hating on the MCU movie from the very beginning, and the always outspoken actor couldn't resist taking another swipe!

Liu quote-tweeted Deadline's report with, "Flopped so hard we got a sequel!!"

Some felt Liu might have been jumping the gun at the time since we had no way of knowing how the movie would perform over the course its full 45-day theatrical run, but Shang-Chi has now taken in $431.9 million worldwide, and is actually the highest-grossing domestic film of 2021 with a $224.5 U.S. haul.

What did you guys think of Shang-Chi? Are you looking forward to a sequel? Drop us a comment down below.

SHANG-CHI Star Simu Liu Says Sequel Is Definitely Happening With Director Destin Daniel Cretton

SHANG-CHI Star Simu Liu Says Sequel Is "Definitely Happening" With Director Destin Daniel Cretton

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LSHF - 12/7/2021, 1:04 PM
You tell'em, Simu!
SonOfAGif - 12/7/2021, 1:48 PM
@LSHF - He was specifically saying that to TyrantBossMedia.
The1st - 12/7/2021, 2:43 PM
@SonOfAGif - The hierarchy of the MCU...oh wait, wrong thread.
DeadClunge - 12/7/2021, 2:54 PM
@The1st - 🤣😭
Battabingg - 12/7/2021, 2:56 PM
@LSHF - It is the 4th lowest grossing MCU film in their library, but we're in a new box office era, so I'm glad to see the film get a second outing.
LSHF - 12/7/2021, 4:42 PM
@SonOfAGif - Well, someone needs to say that to him!
MuadDib - 12/7/2021, 1:05 PM
It’s one of my top 3 Marvel movies. It was surprisingly good.

Def deserves a sequel.
vegetaray - 12/7/2021, 1:08 PM
@MuadDib - Same here…Caught me off guard too…Didn’t expect it to be anywhere near as good as it was…

Like many out there, my only nit pick is the CGI heavy ending…Minor nit pick at that…Loved it…
abd00bie - 12/7/2021, 1:18 PM
@vegetaray - Wolverine was good until we got Silver Samurai bot with life leaching armour lol and skin shedding bald viper
bkmeijer2 - 12/7/2021, 1:23 PM
@MuadDib - same. Really an enjoyable movie all-round for me, so definitely look forward to the sequel (which indeed is well deserved)
MuadDib - 12/7/2021, 2:16 PM
@vegetaray - I skipped the theater experience for this one and watched it on the small screen at home. The CGI didn’t look all that bad. I’m sure on a screen the size of a wall it would have made a noticeable difference. But even if there were CGI problems the overall movie was still more than delivering.
Lostcause - 12/8/2021, 10:13 AM
@MuadDib It does. My daughter and I were walking by a theater to catch a bus and took a look at what was playing. Only 4 other tickets had been sold on a Tue at 11am. Best entertainment and $20 I've spent all pandemic. Other than Kevin Feige announcing Charlie Cox will play Daredevil in the MCU, this news is the GREAT!
MyCoolYoung - 12/7/2021, 1:06 PM
Simu seems like he’s having the time of his life. Seems like a foregone conclusion around here the iron fist will be in the sequel. Who else do you think could pop up?
giannis - 12/7/2021, 1:07 PM
I didn't like the first one to be honest, but I will watch the sequel if the trailer is any good
MrDandy - 12/7/2021, 1:07 PM
Movie was a lot of fun and first 2/3rds were top tier Marvel. Hopefully the sequel sticks the landing on the next one, but I’m excited for it!
SimplyAz - 12/7/2021, 1:09 PM
Top bloke, rewatched Shang Chi and enjoyed it again.
The CGI dragons also looked better on the small screen as well.

Also been watching Kim's Convenience and can definitely see why he got the part, was already in good shape and is charming and charismatic

siggisuperman - 12/7/2021, 1:09 PM
It was fine, he was great, the ending was a little meh. But idiot youtubers blaming disney losses on Shang Chi and BW, it was a loss planned by disney for years, it is lost revenue because they have stopped licencing material to other networks and streaming services to have it all on d+

Add to that they are letting merchandise deals run out to, again, have more of it sold through their own stores and parks.

All of this was planned years ago
ModHaterSLADE - 12/7/2021, 1:14 PM
Good for hi, The movie was a pretty fun watch.
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