X-MEN: Could MUFASA Director Barry Jenkins Be A Contender To Helm MCU Reboot?

X-MEN: Could MUFASA Director Barry Jenkins Be A Contender To Helm MCU Reboot?

X-MEN Rumored To Introduce Characters We Haven't Seen In Live-Action Before While Focusing On Female Heroes
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X-MEN Rumored To Introduce Characters We Haven't Seen In Live-Action Before While Focusing On Female Heroes

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TheFro - 8/28/2016, 8:14 AM
In my dreams; Incredible Hulk 2, Wolverine is introduced as the asset Nick Fury hires to hunt down a rogue Hulk in the wilderness of Alaska.

Leads into a Marvel Studios X-Men franchise to help headline the phases after the originals are gone.
BassMan - 8/28/2016, 5:30 PM
@TheFro - a man can dream...
MrMartyMarvel - 8/28/2016, 8:16 AM
I knew most of these. Suck it, Joshua...

LeeroyJenkins - 8/28/2016, 8:32 AM
wow, those are 10 amazing facts!
TheUnworthyThor - 8/28/2016, 8:43 AM
Oh cool one of those you probably already know all these things if you've ever read a comic book lists.
VictorVikas - 8/28/2016, 8:50 AM
The next button...
Harambe - 8/28/2016, 9:03 AM
Hey Bub
tvor03 - 8/28/2016, 9:12 AM
I suggest doing these amazing facts articles about less popular superheroes. Everyone knows these facts about Wolverine and Spider-Man and Bats and Supes. Try to find interesting facts on Red Robin, WonderMan, Beast, Shadow Cat. That would actually be worth reading rather than "Hey, didya know Supes wasn't the only kryptonian that escaped?"
DoubleD - 8/28/2016, 9:19 AM
DoubleD - 8/28/2016, 9:20 AM
@DoubleD - 5 FOOT 3 Inches
PsychoJester70 - 8/28/2016, 5:17 PM
@DoubleD - bulked up Charlie Day for the Canuckle head https://www.google.com/search?q=charlie+day+scary&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS700US700&hl=en-US&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVpIfDq-XOAhUFax4KHWsjBT4Q_AUIBygB&biw=375&bih=591#hl=en-US&tbm=isch&q=charlie+day+angry+always+sunny&imgrc=ZZkBzV_G8ALKkM%3A
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