THE BATMAN Hot Wheels Batmobile First-Look Revealed Along With More Promo Art

THE BATMAN Hot Wheels Batmobile First-Look Revealed Along With More Promo Art THE BATMAN Hot Wheels Batmobile First-Look Revealed Along With More Promo Art

Some new The Batman tie-in merchandise has been revealed, and this time we have a first look at the Hot Wheels Batmobile toy that should be hitting shelves fairly soon, along with more promo art...

By MarkCassidy - May 11, 2021 07:05 AM EST
Filed Under: The Batman

The Batman officially wrapped production back in March, and we've all been anxiously awaiting a look at some new footage from Matt Reeves' take on DC's Caped Crusader. We did get some brief new shots of Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman in a recently leaked clip from an iTunes documentary, but for the most part, we've had to make do with promo and merchandise art.

Now, some photos of Hot Wheels' Batmobile have found their way online ahead of the product hitting shelves later this year.

We've seen quite a bit of The Dark Knight's iconic ride at this stage, of course, but these images also include more promo art of Robert Pattinson's Batman.

The Batman is set for release on March 4, 2022, and also stars Paul Dano as The Riddler, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, and Andy Serkis as Alfred. It was recently announced that the DC FanDome event will return this October, so we'll almost certainly get another trailer for the movie then.

If you want to compare these Hot Wheels photos to the officially released stills, you can click through the slideshow below.

Simply click on the next button below!

The Batmobile #1

Yes, this version of the Batmobile is definitely... a car!

Some fans were a little put off by this more realistic design because the past few iterations of the vehicle were so souped-up and borderline cartoonish, but, as Batman purists will no doubt be aware, The Caped Crusader has driven similarly minimalist Batmobiles in the comics many times. This particular take is reminiscent of Neal Adams' design from the '70s and '80s.

The Batmobile #2

This next pic gives us a better look at Bats (Robert Pattison) standing beside the car.

The test footage did provide a detailed look at certain parts of the armor and we have seen those set photos of the stunt double, but this is the first time we've seen a full shot of Pattinson in the costume.

The reaction to this has been mostly positive, although some fans were hoping that this incarnation of the Batsuit would differentiate itself a little more from previous movie versions. It might have been cool to see those angular ears from the hero's earliest appearances, at least.

The Batmobile #3

A closer look at what will likely turn out to be a homemade engine.

This is further evidence that Pattison's take on the character will favor function over fashion, as it appears as if Bruce Wayne has basically just added a few bells and whistles to a standard muscle car. This is the Batmobile, though, so don't be surprised if it's hiding a few surprises for the bad guys somewhere.

What did you guys make of this first look at the Batmobile? Were you hoping for something different? Let us know in the comments.
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Menks123 - 5/11/2021, 7:32 AM
I looooooove the look of this Batmobile so much
McMurdo - 5/11/2021, 9:02 AM
@Menks123 - samsies
colonel179 - 5/11/2021, 7:25 PM
@Menks123 - Came here to type this as is. This Batmobile is amazing! It already surpassed the movie regardless of its quality and/or reception.
TocharianMonk - 5/11/2021, 7:35 AM
Can't wait for this movie!
GhostDog - 5/11/2021, 7:37 AM
Finally a batmobile that is an ACTUAL CAR and not a tank

Could definitely see it as a proto version of something like this
zeon00 - 5/11/2021, 7:52 AM
@BlackBeltJones - it just a prototype & we will get to see the tank
heyy1 - 5/11/2021, 8:48 AM
@zeon00 - stop lying to yourself you probably said the same when they revealed joker’s look few years ago.
Matador - 5/11/2021, 7:38 AM
Dean wants his car back

Se4M4NSt4ine - 5/11/2021, 7:43 AM
I’m really loving how this car looks like Batman 1972.

Matador - 5/11/2021, 7:59 AM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - Those were great times for Alfred Pennyworth

Matador - 5/11/2021, 10:46 AM
@Waddles - And he'd win too!

Bellbottoms are very loose
Kumkani - 5/11/2021, 7:47 AM
I want another trailer
RageDriver2401 - 5/11/2021, 8:25 AM
@Kumkani -
Dredd97 - 5/11/2021, 7:53 AM
I missed the Batmobile being an actual car. This is perfect for early days Batman, and I can't help but wonder if Reeves took some inspiration from Aronofsky's failed Year One project. A more industrial Batmobile and a Victorian styled batsuit kinda further that "theory"
johnnymarr - 5/11/2021, 7:53 AM
Nice. Enough of "high-tech military tank" batmobile.
RageDriver2401 - 5/11/2021, 8:21 AM
Nice, but the Tumbler will always remain GOAT for me.

I hope they go for a more "Batmobile" batmobile for the sequel and not a repurposed car.
MarvelousMarty - 5/11/2021, 8:27 AM
Love it.
Fares - 5/11/2021, 8:27 AM
I think my favorite Batmobile is the one from The New Batman Adventures. I would love for this to evolve into something like that, mixed with some cyberpunk flavor.

HulkisHoly - 5/11/2021, 8:37 AM
Love love love
ModHaterSLADE - 5/11/2021, 8:44 AM
The muscle car look is growing on me.
MaxPaint - 5/11/2021, 8:50 AM
A gritty customized shelby mustang, so edgy.
marvel72 - 5/11/2021, 5:26 PM
I am thinking about buying some Hot Wheels that have Tokyo 2020 packaging.

Could be worth something.
sneakybastard - 5/11/2021, 10:52 PM
That batmob.. I mean car is fugly! It looks something similar to what my mechanic buddy puts together in his backyard. It looks like my buddy just threw on different car panels and parts to create this rickety piece of junk. Put the primer gray on in the morning and sprayed the flat black on in the evening. As Jonhnny Cash said, "One Piece At A Time". This trash needs to go home to the junkyard. This is nowhere near a real Batmobile. Straight Garbage.
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