5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

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HAWKEYE Star Jeremy Renner Explains Why He Chose To Exit The MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Franchise

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TheEpicJuicebox - 2/16/2016, 8:58 AM
I like how they know it was bad hahaha
BatmanHeisenberg - 2/16/2016, 8:59 AM
Ryan is [frick]ing hilarious. He plays off well with Hugh. Hope we see Hugh in Deadpool 2.
Superman007 - 2/16/2016, 9:01 AM
"My next question here is from a Blake Lively ... HE writes " hahahahaha XD love him XD and somebody giggled after that XD
ElJefe - 2/16/2016, 9:07 AM
@Superman007 - my favorite part haha
BackwardGalaxy - 2/16/2016, 9:10 AM
@Superman007 - I literally laughed out loud at my desk at work.
FishyZombie - 2/16/2016, 9:04 AM
these two are a blast to watch. We need to see them as Wolverine and Deadpool in a movie that doesn't suck. Maybe Deadpool 2 or that X-Force thing.
Superheromoviefan - 2/16/2016, 9:08 AM
Something is tellings this is fake
Pathogen - 2/16/2016, 9:08 AM
hilarious...love it
marvelstudios - 2/16/2016, 9:10 AM
Ryan Reynolds might be the funniest bloke in film. And Hugh Jackman is just awesome. BTW Sony hire him as Joel in the
Last of of Us adaptation.

Watched the Deadpool last night. Really enjoyed the movie and hoping for a sequel. Probably the best Fox-Men movie to date.

Also, the X-Men universe might have the most incoherent and muddled up continuity on the planet. This really erks me and did take away from Deadpool.
DallasAvenger - 2/16/2016, 9:18 AM
Does seem a shame that as soon as Reynolds is introduced into the universe proper as Deadpool that immediately after Jackman is leaving as Wolverine.
Highball - 2/16/2016, 9:20 AM
Hahahaha! That was very entertaining.
SuperCat - 2/16/2016, 10:03 AM
urnotaslave23 - 2/16/2016, 6:13 PM
@SuperCat - I actually got into an argument with a co-worker today about this. He was getting heated thinking I was [frick]ing with him. Absolutely REFUSED to believe that was supposed to be DP. Until I showed him the IMDB page for Origins. One of the weirdest conversations I've ever had. He honestly thought that was a new character they made up for the movie. He's not just a casual fan either. About 50% of what we talk about is comic books and CB movies. Just yesterday I loaned him my TPB Marvel Vs. DC, and every morning he drinks his coffee out of a Carnage head coffee mug.
urnotaslave23 - 2/16/2016, 6:15 PM
@SuperCat - He was SO adamant that wasn't Deadpool. I thought he was [frick]ing with me, but he was dead serious(pardon the pun lol).
655321 - 2/16/2016, 10:53 AM
I got a man crush on Ryan Reynolds now. lol
SimplyAz - 2/16/2016, 11:37 AM
That was awesome, I loved it.
nursevil - 2/16/2016, 12:02 PM
I had been having a bad day but after seeing these two together, I feel great now. A Deadpool/Wolverine movie would be so freaking awesome that if I were dead, I would come back to life to watch it.
ShortandAngry - 2/16/2016, 1:15 PM
No doubt seeing Jackman's Wolverine with Deadpool would be fun, but I think by the time the sequel for Deadpool comes out the suits will be closer to finding a new actor for Wolverine. Im hoping for at least a 4th wall type Hugh Jackman and Deadpool sequence in the next DP2.
thunderpun573 - 2/16/2016, 9:43 PM
[frick] PLAYWIRE. Does anybody have a YouTube link?? I [frick]ing hate how the whole site has switched to playwire, it doesn't work on mobile, which is what I usually browse this site on.
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